Every day more news comes out of the war going on between Israel & Hezbollah. A lot of it is about the number of civilians being killed. & it is sickening. The Pope continues his call for an end to hostilities. People on the right are calling for continuing the fighting because a ceasefire would only give Hezbollah a chance to rearm. Many Lebanese Christians are getting angry at Israel about the damage being done to the infrastructure, yet I hear very little about the blame on Hezbollah for putting civilians in danger in the 1st place. I hate all the damage being done, all the innocent lives on all sides being lost. I hear & read a variety of opinions about what is or isn't a proportionate response by Israel. It seems like there is no answer that is satisfactory for all. It seems like all is confusion & that there is nothing that can bring clarity to the situation, circumstances, etc.
But there is an answer, there is a solution that will bring about true peace, that will put an end to the war & provide justice for all.
To find it, I want to go back to what Papa Benedetto said on Sun 30 July 2006 at the prayer service for peace. In his homily he gave what I know is the only answer that will bring about true peace, Jesus. & he told us what we need to do to bring about this peace.
"This is important: At this moment we can take his victory to the world, taking part actively in his charity. Today, in a multicultural and multireligious world, many are tempted to say: "For peace in the world, among religions, among cultures, it is better not to speak too much of what is specific to Christianity, that is, of Jesus, of the Church, of the sacraments. Let us be content with what can be more or less common .…"
But it is not true. Precisely at this time, a time of great abuse of the name of God, we have need of the God who overcomes on the cross, who does not conquer with violence, but with his love. Precisely at this time we have need of the Face of Christ to know the true Face of God and so be able to take reconciliation and light to this world. For this reason, together with love, with the message of love, we must also take the testimony of this God, of God's victory, precisely through the nonviolence of his cross.
In this way, we return to the starting point. What we can do is to give witness of love, witness of faith and, above all, to raise a cry to God: We can pray! We are certain that our Father hears the cry of his children. In the Mass, as we prepare for holy Communion, to receive the Body of Christ that unites us, we pray with the Church: "Deliver us, Lord, from all evils, and grant us peace in our days." May this be our prayer at this time: "Deliver us from all evils and give us peace," not tomorrow, or the day after: Lord, give us peace today! Amen. "
Each of us has to pray. Part of the prayer is to ask God specifically what he or she can do to proclaim Jesus. What we say will not be popular with the left or the right. Many of the right sees fighting until Israel's enemies are wiped out as the only solution. Unfortunately, as I pointed out, Hezbollah is using civilians as a screen & intentionally hitting at Israeli civilians. & this is only creating more hatred on all sides. There needs to be a change of heart from hatred to the love of enemies that Jesus called us to. On the left, many are calling for an immediate cease-fire. Laying down arms without the same change of heart will only allow Hezbollah & Hamas to rearm & try again to wipe out Israel. They will continue to hate Israel. & many on the left will not welcome speaking about God, & even more so about Jesus. But, as the Pope said: "It is not true." Jesus, & His saving message of repentance & forgiveness of sin is exactly what needs to be proclaimed. We need to speak out this message or we are going to be just as responsible for the harm of innocents as those involved in the fighting. This message of Jesus is what will change hearts. Those involved in Hezbollah, Hamas, etc will no longer hate Israel & the Jews but will truly love them as they should. & the Israelis will be able to forgive their enemies. Hatred & mistrust will end.
After we have done all we are called to do, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit, there is only 1 thing left for us to do. We need to trust in Jesus to honor His promise that He will "Deliver us from evil!" HE WILL!
At 5/8/06 8:33 AM ,
Alan said...
More on Lebanon and Israel.
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