Friday, January 24, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
2014 March for Life Rally
Next up was Jeanne Monahan.
She shared Papa Francesco's Tweet about the March: “I join the March for Life in Washington with my prayers. May God help us respect all life, especially the most vulnerable.”
The next speaker was House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor.
He added that we cannot allow opponants of life to weaken the moral fiber of our nation.
He was followed by Representative Chris Smith, Pro-life Caucus Chair.
Represntative Vicky Hartzler spoke next.
Her theme was that abortion hurts everyone. It hurts the woman. It also robs the men of the privilege of fatherhood. She called on our nation's leaders to stop upholding abortion & to start encouraging abortion. This is something she has done by example. She shared the story of how she was able to adopt.
Molly Ann Dutton spoke next.
She was there to talk about those conceived in rape. She wasn't speaking theoretically. She had been conceived as a result of a sexual assault on her birth mother. Her mother's husband demanded she get an abortion. Instead her birth mother went to Birmingham, AL where a Christian adoption agengy helped her. 22 years later Molly Ann Dutton was elected Auburn's 100th homecoming queen.
Another powerful story was shared by Nichole Peck, Regional Coordinator, Silent No More.
Another result of the abortion was infertility. But she has been able to adopt 2 babies. She also mentioned where you can read more stories like hers.
After Timothy Saccoccia of the March for Life Education & Defense Fund announced the student essay contest & poster contest winners, Giovanna Romero, Latinos Por La Vita, spoke.
Dr. Donna Harrison spoke next.
Before going on to the last 2 speakers a list of other Pro-life groups participating in the March for Life was read. It was way too long for me to share.*
The next to the last speaker was Ryan Dobson. He works with his father, Dr. James Dobson.
Dr Dobson lead the closing prayer. Then everyone went to line up for the march to the Supreme Court building.
As I said at the beginning the little coverage by the MSM painted it as a very small number. But they also missed the point, whether it was thousands, tens of thousands, or even near last year's number, the real story is the commitment of the Pro-lifers. No matter the weather, those who got there did their best to get there. & those that were planning to go but didn't make it only missed because the weather prevented them.
Usually there are about 10 or so pro-abortion counter protesters at the Supreme Court. The MSM tries to build it up to make it look like there are more. This year there were only 2 & according to a friend of mine, they were silently leaving when the DBQ group got there.
It is that commitment, plus the fact that we are on the right side of the battle are the reasons we must keep on fighting, even if things look dark at times. In the end we will win.
Note: The pictures were screenshots of the EWTN live streaming of their coverage that I took via my tablet.
Monday, January 20, 2014
A Fruit of Praying in Front of Abortion Clinics
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Sunday, January 19, 2014
2014 Dubuque Walk for Life
Next he shared some of what Blessed Pope John Paul II said in Oct 1979 at the Capital Mall in DC. Part of what the Pope said was "We will stand up every time life is attacked."
Several busloads of people will be leaving from DBQ to attend the March for Life in DC. On 25 January 2014 there will be the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco. Additionally many communities across the USA had their own walks & marches. For the most part, the Main Stream Media will ignore them, downplay the numbers &/or play up the pro-abortion side. While it would be nice to get the media coverage it should, the most important thing is that we keep standing up for life. In the end, we will win because we are on the right side of history. 56+ million unborn babies denied the right to life due to abortion is 56+ million too many. This holocaust must end. Let us not give in to dispair or fustration. & let us pray that soon we will no longer need to hold events like these because people will see the truth about the evil that calls itself abortion. May the USA acknowledge the truth stated in the Declaration of Independence. That every human being from the moment of conception (fertilization) is endowed by the Creator with the unalienable right to life.
Labels: DCRTL