One of the little known & much neglected documents that came out of the Vatican in the '70s came from the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Declaration on Procured Abortion was approved by Pope Paul VI on 28 June 1974 & it was promulgated on 18 November 1974. I will admit that I was aware of it, but haven't really looked at it as I should.
After reading the post & looking at the document, I have to say that Dr. Nadal is right when he says that we need to be "
armed with the truths and rejoinders in this document." I would also go 1 step further & say that, like
Humanae vitae, it was prophetic in so far as it saw the direction society was going. It deals with the proper use of technology (17) that could be talking about all the ways some scientists are trying to play god by how they are using embryos in various scientific experiments. Section 12 has some sound answers to the current push for the "
right to die".
Grazie to Dr. Nadal for getting us to focus some attention on this document. It is an excellent resource. It is also a reminder of how the Holy Spirit works to guide the Church into all truth as Jesus promised us.
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