Thursday, March 31, 2011
Gee I Thought It Was Only Catholics That Chained Their Bibles in the Churches

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
In The Navy

I Think I Just Lost My Appetitie
Sources: Biotech company using cell lines from aborted babies in food enhancement testing Company Uses Cells From Abortions to Test Artificial Flavors
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Taliban Catholics
Anyone who regularly reads this blog may know some of those he is refering to who are using the term. & that I am sure that I am 1 of those who they consider Taliban Catholics. May God have mercy on them for their attempts to silence those of us who truly desire to do what is right & uphold God's truth.
Pro-Life Coalition Is Putting Out An Ad Planned Parenthood Won't Like
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Another Reason Why So Many Anglicans Are Crossing the Tiber
Anglicans may open Communion to unbaptized
Archbishop Dolan - An Encounter in Denver
An Airport Encounter

White House Easter Bunny Comes Out of the Closet

Monday, March 28, 2011
Інтронізація новообраного Глави УГКЦ from Yuriy Bihanskyy on Vimeo.
PETA - Telling God They Know Better Than God What The Bible Should Say
(Gothamist) — After they heard that the latest translation of the New International Version of the Bible will now use gender- inclusive language such as “he or she” instead of just “he”, PETA saw an opportunity to change one other thing. The organization has petitioned the Committee on Bible Translation to suggest that its next translation remove”speciesist” language, by referring to animals as “he or she” instead of “it.”
“When the Bible moves toward inclusively in one area . . . it wasn’t much of a stretch to suggest they move toward inclusively in this area. Language matters. Calling an animal ‘it’ denies them something. They are beloved by God. They glorify God,” Bruce Friedrich, PETA’s vice president for policy, told CNN.
PETA said it hopes the switch to include more gender-inclusive language will spark translators to readdress the ways animals are referred to in the Bible.
“Updating the Bible’s language regarding animals would not only reflect modern writing trends but also reinforce the idea that animals are living beings valued by God, not inanimate objects. Jesus taught us the importance of mercy and compassion, and this update would encourage mercy and compassion for all God’s creatures — including those who have feathers, fins, and fur,” Friedrich wrote.
There IS NO Difference
A Tale of 2 Periti
(With apologies to Charles Dickens, sort of.) Both then Fr. Joseph Ratzinger & Fr. Hans Küng served as a peritus at Vatican II. Ratzinger served as peritus to Cardinal Josef Frings, Archbishop of Cologne, Germany, while Küng was a peritus for the Council, rather than for an individual Bishop. In the years since both have trod down completely opposite paths. But in another way the paths have run parallel to each other.
I recently came across an interesting article by Dr. Samuel Gregg who is Research Director at the Acton Institute about the path each has trod & where it has led. Benedict XVI, Hans Kung and Catholicism’s Future is an article that looks at those paths & where they have led.
The accepted view is that back at Vatican II they were pretty much on the same page & it is only after Vatican II that their paths diverged. But this article shares something written by the Jesuit Henri de Lubac in his diary that shows how different they already were at the time. In the diary Ratzinger is portrayed as one whose powerful intellect is matched by his “peacefulness” & “affability.” Then there is Kung. He is denoted by Fr. de Lubac as possessing a “juvenile audacity” & speaking in “incendiary, superficial, and polemical” terms. Given how things are today, it seems like in this aspect, nothing has changed.
The post Vatican II path for Fr. Ratzinger eventually led to him to the Papacy & to being known as 1 of the greatest Bible Theologians of modern times. Kung was eventually forbidden to teach Catholic theology & his opinions are only important to a few dissidents who are unwilling to admit the fact that the Catholic Church they are attempting to destroy never will be.
The article looks at the paths they took, but it also looks at their agendas & how well they have worked. Or should I say how Kung's has failed & why Ratzinger/Papa Benedetto's is the right one? Dr. Gregg shows us what is wrong with Kung's agenda & what is right with Papa Benedetto's in a nutshell. & in a way that is understandable even for those who don't know "theology". I suggest you follow the link above or below to read the entire article. It is well worth it. Unless you are a fan of Kung & prefer to keep your delusions that Kung is right. Then this article will force you to face those delusions &, like it or not, if you are honest, you will admit Kung took the wrong path, Ratzinger the right one.
Source: The Incredible Shrinking Kung
Non-Shocker - Obama Administration Lying to Promote Agenda
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Obeying Our Religious Leaders
Some time ago, Iran's Supreme Leader Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged the Muslim World to boycott anything and everything that originates with the Jewish people. He even went so far as to issue a fatwa to this effect...

In response, pharmacist Meyer M. Treinkmanout offered to assist them in organizing and targeting the anti-Israeli boycott with some helpful guidelines:
Any Muslim who has Syphilis must not be cured by Salvarsan discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. He should not even try to find out whether he has Syphilis, because the Wasserman Test is the discovery of a Jew. If a Muslim suspects that he has Gonorrhea, he must not seek diagnosis, because he will be using the method of a Jew named Neissner.
"A Muslim who has heart disease must not use Digitalis, a discovery by a Jew, Ludwig Traube.
Should he suffer with a toothache, he must not use Novocaine, a discovery of the Jews, Widal and Weil.
If a Muslim has Diabetes, he must not use Insulin, the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew. If one has a headache, he must shun Pyramidon and Antypyrin, due to the Jews, Spiro and Ellege.
Muslims with convulsions must put up with them because it was a Jew, Oscar Leibreich, who proposed the use of Chloral Hydrate.
Arabs must do likewise with their psychic ailments because Freud, father of psychoanalysis, was a Jew.
Should a Muslim child get Diphtheria, he must refrain from the "Schick" reaction which was invented by the Jew, Bella Schick.
"Muslims should be ready to die in great numbers and must not permit treatment of ear and brain damage, work of Nobel Prize winner, Robert Baram.
They should continue to die or remain crippled by Infantile Paralysis because the discoverer of the anti-polio vaccine is a Jew, Jonas Salk.
"Muslims must refuse to use Streptomycin and continue to die of Tuberculosis because a Jew, Zalman Waxman, invented the wonder drug against this killing disease.
Muslim doctors must discard all discoveries and improvements by dermatologist Judas Sehn Benedict, or the lung specialist, Frawnkel, and of many other world renowned Jewish scientists and medical experts.
"In short, good and loyal Muslims properly and fittingly should remain afflicted with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Heart Disease, Headaches, Typhus, Diabetes, Mental Disorders, Polio, Convulsions and Tuberculosis... and be proud to obey the Islamic boycott."
Source: The Reaganite Republican
Usually Libraries Oppose Censorship Not Encourage It
Wisconsin Library Engages In Censorship
Wisconsin Library Censors Showing of Pro-Life Film in “Public Meeting Room” National Law Firm Demands Wausau Library Cease Discrimination Against Local Pro-Life Organization
March 25, 2011—Thomas More Society attorneys issued a letter today to Marathon County library officials demanding that the library rescind its decision to cancel a showing by the Wausau “40 Days for Life” group of the pro-life documentary, “Blood Money.” The director of the library, Ralph Illick, had cancelled the showing of the movie in one of the library’s “public meeting rooms,” because he determined that the film’s topic – abortion – would “interfere with normal use of our library.”
“Having to demand that a library not engage in censorship is outrageous,” said Peter Breen, executive director and legal counsel for the Thomas More Society. “The library’s own policy declares that meeting rooms are to be allocated without regard to the beliefs of those using the rooms, but here, the sincerely held religious beliefs of Wausau “40 Days for Life” that all life is sacred has barred this group from use of these purportedly ‘public’ rooms. We stand ready to take immediate legal action if the showing of the film is not allowed.”
In the letter written to Director Illick, Thomas More Society attorneys cited the library’s own “Bill of Rights,” which guarantees that, “VI. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”
Read the entire letter here
For more information or to speak with Peter Breen, please contact Tom Ciesielka at 312-422-1333 or
# # #
About the Thomas More Society: Founded in 1997, the Thomas More Society is a national public interest law firm that exists to restore respect for life in law. Based in Chicago, the Thomas More Society defends the sanctity of human life, the family and religious liberty in courtrooms across the country. The Society is a nonprofit organization wholly supported by private donations. For more information or to support the work of Thomas More Society, please visit
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Cardinal Burke: Say No to Contraceptive Mentality, Yes to Humanae Vitae

In a March 11th address to the Australian Catholic Students Association, the prelate offered reflections on the “crisis of Christian culture in the West” and the effort to build a Catholic culture “in fidelity to our vocation to give witness to Christ and, therefore, to be martyrs for the faith.”
He said the world today faces a “profoundly disordered moral state,” emphasizing the current “plague of procured abortion.” He likewise decried the “abhorrent practices of the artificial generation of human life and its destruction,” the “mercy killing” of the elderly and weak, and the “ever advancing agenda” of those seeking to redefine marriage and family life to suit homosexual advocates.
Lamenting the fact that today Christians face persecution for opposing “the ever advancing anti-life and anti-family agenda,” he said we face a “similar challenge to our faith” as did 16th century martyr St. Thomas More.
“We recognize in certain so-called free nations and in some of their policies and laws an opposition to the Christian’s adherence to the natural moral law,” he noted. He cited in particular the fact that pharmacists have been required to fill prescriptions for abortifacient drugs, and that priests have been charged with ‘hate speech’ for preaching on the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts.
“Not without reason, there is greater and greater fear that the Church will be unable to carry out her educational, health-care and charitable works in certain nations because the civil law requires that such Church works cooperate in acts which are always and everywhere wrong,” he said.
The prelate stressed the relationship between “the living of the truth regarding human sexuality and human life” and “the practice of justice.” “The attack on the innocent and defenseless life of the unborn, for example, has its origin in an erroneous view of human sexuality, which attempts to eliminate, by mechanical or chemical means, the essentially procreative nature of the conjugal act,” he explained.
Invoking Pope Paul VI’s landmark encyclical Humanae Vitae, which reaffirmed the Church’s condemnation of contraception, the cardinal contested claims that the conjugal act can maintain its integrity or remain unitive and loving while the procreative nature of the act is “radically violated” through use of contraceptives.
“In fact, it is not unitive, for one or both of the partners withholds an essential part of the gift of self, which is the essence of the conjugal union,” he explained. “The so-called ‘contraceptive mentality’ is essentially anti-life. Many forms of what is called contraception are, in fact, abortifacient, that is, they destroy a life which has already been conceived, has already begun.”
He also highlighted the prime importance of respecting human life in the Church’s development activities, highlighting the fact that Pope Benedict XVI made “special reference” to Humanae Vitae in his encyclical on human development, Caritas in Veritate.
“Humanae vitae indicates the strong links between life ethics and social ethics,” the pope wrote.
“Individual freedom and the freedom of society, in general, depends upon a fundamental education in the truth about human sexuality and the exercise of that truth in a pure and chaste life,” said Cardinal Burke.
When facing resistance in the effort to uphold the moral law, he said, “we must recall that we, alive in Christ, are a sign of contradiction to the world’s way of thinking.”
“Our lives are a rebuke of the violation of the moral law, not for the sake of rebuking, but the sake of the salvation of our world,” he explained. “We must also remember tat our witness, like the witness of the martyrs, will work a transformation in our society, will redound ultimately to the safeguarding and fostering of all human life.”
This Isn't About Children's Rights, It Is About State Controlled Brainwashing
Obama has made it clear he supports this treaty. Given his attempts to totally turn the USA into a socialist country this treaty would play perfectly into his & his cohorts hands by allow the USA to take total control of how our children are raised. That would include forbiding parents from teaching their children anything they opposed, like Christian morality that opposes abortion, premarital sex, homosexual unions etc. He would wholeheartedly go along with the UN goal to reeducate our children. Why wouldn't he since their agendas are identical in this area?
For those who may think this group is being alarmist & that the UN goal isn't to take over the way children are raised then I suggest reading a few of the following articles that the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM) have put up over the last few years that tie into the application of this treaty. (Follow links for entire stories)
UN Child Rights Committee Calls for Child Access to Contraceptives ...
(13 July 2003) (NEW YORK - C-FAM) Last week, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child sought to weaken parents' authority to guide their children's access to contraceptives and other sexual and reproductive services and information. At the conclusion of its current session in Geneva, the Committee released a general comment on adolescent health in which it asserts that all countries that have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) should "strictly respect the right to privacy and confidentiality, including confidential advice and counseling on all health matters," and "that access to information on sexual and reproductive health be accessible regardless of prior consent from parents or guardians."
The Committee exists to guide nations' implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a document that has now been ratified by every country on earth except Somalia and the United States. After a country ratifies CRC, it must submit periodic reports to the Committee, which then determines if the country is in compliance with the Convention. The Committee has the ultimate power to interpret the CRC document, and to establish what legal obligations the Convention creates for ratifying nations.
IPPF Says UN Child Rights Treaty Endorses Abortion for Children ...
(25 Oct 2002) (NEW YORK - C-FAM) International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) has started distributing a brochure to inform children that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) has established for them an international right to abortion.
According to the brochure, just posted on the IPPF website, both the CRC's recognition of a child's right to life as well as a child's right to health can be interpreted to mean that children should have access to abortion. For example, the CRC's broad right to health includes the right to "visit a doctor or nurse to receive the full range of sexual and reproductive health services that are available and legal in your country, including contraceptives [and] abortion services" Also, because children have a right to life, they must be protected from reproductive problems that could threaten their lives, "such as...unsafe [illegal] abortion."
On the 20th Anniversary of the Child Rights Convention, US Pressured to Ratify
(26 Oct 2009 - last paragraph) The report claims that the Convention "sets out common standards" yet leaves room for State parties of finding their "own way of implementing the treaty." Over the years, the CRC committee has chastised countries for allowing corporal punishment, mandated governments to increase state-sponsored day care, pushed recognition of a child's right to privacy "especially in the family," and pushed for adolescent family planning and reproductive health and sex education programs, despite possible parental objections.
UN "Alternative Care" Guidelines Scrutinized for Pitting Children Against Parents
(22 Oct 2009) (NEW YORK – C-FAM) The United Nations (UN) General Assembly (GA) will consider a document on alternative, non-parental care of children this fall in conjunction with the twentieth anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Certain delegates are expressing concern, however, at one provision in particular that appears to pit the rights of children against their parents. The Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children call upon States to implement policies aimed at “empowering youth to face positively the challenges of everyday life, including when they decide to leave the parental home." They further call for governmental programs aimed at youth as "future parents" to make "informed decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health."
& these are just a few examples. You can go here for links to many, many more stories that tell the same thing.
You can register your opposition to UN control of your family and your country here.
Source: Do Your Part to Resist United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Labels: Planned Parenthood
Mary's Fiat

1 of These Things Is Not Like the Other
As I am sure, almost everyone recognizes these lines from a Sesame Street Song that is used to show how something is completely different. But for the few culturally deprived of you who aren't familiar with the tune:
I Thought of that song when I read the start of this article by Matt Yonke of Pro-Life Action League. He makes a good point about how what goes on outside an abortion clinic, in this case, Planned Parenthood that you don't see outside the typical dentist's, podiatrist's or general practice doctor's office/clinic. As I have pointed out before we see these same things at the Rockford Abortion Mill (Pro-Life Corner - Rockford Pro-Life ). We see these things at many other abortion mills as well.
Things That Don’t Happen at a Podiatrist’s Office
by Matt Yonke
I’ve spent a goodly amount of time outside our local Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Illinois lately, and I’ve noticed a number of things happening there that don’t happen outside your local podiatrist’s office. Or that of your local dentist, pediatrician, or general practice doctor.
At Planned Parenthood Aurora yesterday, a young man waiting outside, talking on his cell phone while his significant other got an abortion, yelled at me and the two other pro-lifers there. He led off with asking whether we were going to adopt his baby if his girlfriend didn’t have the abortion. When we responded with an enthusiastic, “Yes, we will adopt your baby!” he changed his tack.
Next he started screaming, and I do mean screaming, at the top of his voice, that we should mind our own business and let people make their own choices. When I replied that we were only offering more options, not trying to force anyone to do anything, he finally ran out of arguments and started in with the vulgarity.
I won’t repeat the things he said to me and the other two pro-lifers, including as gentle a grandmother as ever you’d want to meet. It was far too vulgar. It got so bad, one of my companions called the police because they felt so threatened.
Squad Cars and Blaring Music
This was the second time the police had been to Planned Parenthood that morning. I had called them earlier because of another violation.
Planned Parenthood has speakers shaped like rocks planted in their landscaping to drown out pro-life sidewalk counselors—another thing you won’t see outside your neighborhood OB/GYN’s office.
When they were first installed they were deafeningly loud and pro-lifers along with neighbors who live around the clinic complained to the police, who enforced the local noise ordinance and turned them down. It had been months of relative quiet until yesterday when they were cranked back up to a ridiculous volume.
Two officers had come out earlier, assessed that they were indeed violating the ordinance, and made them turn the speakers down.
Cars Used as Weapons
And, believe it or not, I had to call police a third time to report that a passerby had swerved his car and nearly hit me in an obviously threatening maneuver. This is a sadly common occurrence outside this particular clinic.
Peaceful Protest
No, abortion is no normal occurrence and the world knows it. That’s why Planned Parenthood has even put up signs forbidding anyone taking pictures of their facility! It is, of course, perfectly legal to do so, but the very fact that they would put up such a ridiculous sign shows that they have something to hide. After all, every other doctor’s office in the country has the same concern for the privacy of its patients as Planned Parenthood, but none of them try to forbid taking pictures of the outside of their buildings.
But so much strangeness is a hopeful sign to me. Planned Parenthood is under great pressure right now from all sides. Even many pro-choice people are beginning to see Planned Parenthood for what it is. And they’re cracking from the pressure. The crazy that they’ve long been able to keep inside the clinics is leaking out, and, as pro-life attorney Tom Brejcha likes to say, there’s no disinfectant in the world like sunlight.
The more the world sees Planned Parenthood, the less they will support it.
Labels: Planned Parenthood, Rockford Abortion Mill
Friday, March 25, 2011
An Trinitarian Tryptich for the Feast of the Annunciation
1st we have the visit of the Archangel Gabriel to Zechariah found in Luke 1: 11-22.

The Trinitarian focus in this Annunciation is God the Holy Spirit. Gabriel told Zechariah that even from his mother's womb John would be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to empower us to live out our calling as Christians. he does so by giving us the gifts we need to do so. In John's case that included the gift of prophecy.
Next we have the event that we celebrate today. The Annunciation to Mary by Gabriel that she would be the mother of the Savior found in Luke 1:26-38.

The focus here is God the Son. It would be by the power of the Holy Spirit but the heart of the message is that the Child will be called Son of God. The Son was sent by the Father & through the power of the Holy Spirit Mary became His mother. She became the Θεοτόκης (Theotokis), the Mother of God. The Word of God is spoken to Mary by the Father's messenger, & by her "fiat" the Word becomes flesh.
Finally we have the message of the angel to Joseph in a dream found in Matthew 1:18-25.
The focus here is on God the Father. Unlike the clear connection found in the other 2 Annunciations that connection may be a little hard to see at 1st. But it is seen in the statement where the angel told him "you must name him Jesus." The final decision for what the name would be rested with the father. & by giving Joseph the mandate to do so, he was also being told that he was to act as the earthly representative of God the Father in Heaven. Joseph was told that his actions were to be the image of actions of the Heavenly Father. Joseph was the visible sign of what the invisible Heavenly Father was like, caring for, protecting, providing for not only Jesus, but all of us who put our trust in God.
As I said, the Annunciation we celebrate today is the centerpiece that shows us in a nutshell the mystery of the Trinity, 1 God, yet 3 Persons. All 3 Persons are found in each Annunciation. But as I pointed out each also has its focus on 1 Person of the Trinity. So we have a beautiful tryptich painted for us that reveals to us the awesome truth of who our God is that we proclaim everytime we recite the Creed (Nicene or Apostle's) when we pray.
Labels: St. Joseph (San Giuseppe)
Contraception & Confession
By Russell Shaw
After the death of Dr. Bernard Nathanson last February, we were reminded that somebody once asked him why he became a Catholic. Because, said Dr. Nathanson, who’d been a leader in the movement to legalize abortion and performed or presided over many thousands of abortions, then seen the light and become ardently prolife, no other religion provides as much opportunity for forgiveness as the Catholic Church does, and he had a lot to be forgiven for.
Bernard Nathanson was a realist. What about the 75 percent of American Catholics who, according to polls, receive the sacrament of penance less than once a year or never? Escapists perhaps?
This year as in other recent Lents, dioceses and parishes across the country are making a push to get Catholics back to this neglected sacrament. I wish them much success. The flight from sacramental penance has been one of the genuine disasters of contemporary Catholic life.
What explains it? Many things undoubtedly combine to play a part: an often-cited loss of the sense of sin, fatuous presumption that God approves of me no matter what, shame at the prospect of confessing one’s sins after a long time (give it a try: It won’t hurt). But part of it, I feel certain, has to do with contraception.
It works this way.
Last time I looked, the surveys were reporting that something like eight out of 10 American Catholics said they thought contraception was OK and the Church was wrong about it. Obviously this includes many of childbearing, child-rearing age who are practicing contraception now.
As far as the Sacrament of Penance is concerned, these people don’t want to confess contraception because they believe — or anyway say they believe — it isn’t wrong, and they don’t care to give it up. But they don’t want not to confess it since they know perfectly well that the Church says something different, so not confessing would be, well, kind of dishonest. The non-solution to the dilemma is not to receive the sacrament at all. Which is where we are now.
I have no easy remedy for this situation, but one approach that might help a bit is to present the Sacrament of Penance not so much as an obligation but — as Bernard Nathanson understood — a marvelous opportunity: a chance to get rid of one’s burden of objective guilt and start over again with a forgiving God.
As for those who may be somewhat more advanced in the interior life but who’ve neglected penance for whatever reason or combination of reasons: Bear in mind that contrition and penance are closely linked to conversion and all but indispensable to it. All three go together to make up a complex, continuing process of lifelong growth in the Christian life — a process that necessarily includes awareness of one’s sins, a healthy sense of guilt, and the desire to be forgiven.
The first letter of St. John says it best: “Sin is with us; if we deny that, we are cheating ourselves; it means the truth does not dwell in us. No, it is when we confess our sins that [God] forgives our sins, ever true to his word, ever dealing right with us, and all our wrong-doing is purged away. If we deny that we have sinned, it means that we are treating him as a liar; it means that his word does not dwell in our hearts” (1 John 1:8-9).
Sometimes people say they don’t go to confession because they have nothing to confess. Tell that to St. John!
Russell Shaw is an OSV contributing editor.
New York City Crisis Pregnancy Center Vandalized

The staff in our Bronx office is heartbroken, but they have all pulled together to put together the pieces and try to reopen the office. Each day we are closed puts innocent babies in the wombs of their mothers at risk. We desperately need your help.”
Sources: New York City pregnancy center ‘virtually destroyed’
Pregnancy Center in New York City Burglarized, Trashed
NYC crisis pregnancy centers file 2nd major suit against law
Vandals destroy Bronx pregnancy care center; “They even stole our Pampers.”
Labels: Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Planned Parenthood, Violence/Vandalism Against Pro-Lifers
Bishop Aquila - "notion of 'faithful dissent'" Demonic in Origin
US Bishop: How long will pro-abort politicians be able to receive Communion?
by John-Henry Westen

“The continual reception of Holy Communion by those who so visibly contradict and promote a grave evil, even more than simply dissent, only creates grave scandal, undermines the teaching and governing authority of the Church and can be interpreted by the faithful as indifference to the teaching of Christ and the Church on the part of those who have the responsibility to govern,” Bishop Aquila told over 150 participants at the 10th Annual Symposium on the Spirituality and Identity of the Diocesan Priest in Philadelphia, PA .
Concentrating his remarks on the exercise of authority in the Church, Bishop Aquila noted that in Matthew 18 Christ lays out a plan for correction of a wayward believer. First correct him personally, then with another believer or two, then with the Church and if there is still not a change shun them.
“The steps in this passage are clear and Jesus is teaching us, but do we listen and follow his example?, said the Bishop. “If this criteria had been followed with dissenting theologians, priests, religious and faithful in 1968 with the encyclical, Humanae Vitae, would we still be dealing with the problem today of those who dissent on contraception, abortion, same sex unions, euthanasia and so many other teachings of the Church? “
The Bishop of Fargo excoriates the notion of “faithful dissent, when this phrase describes a refusal to adhere to the deposit of faith”, as the “work of ?the father of lies.”
Bishop Aquila noted finally “Correction can be difficult and painful, as parents know, yet as a shepherd I am willing to suffer the rejection and anger of another when I speak the truth for the good of the person and the Bride of Christ. To correct and/or to punish someone who has gravely sinned against real love is an act of servant love and is found in the truth!”
The Bishop concluded his talk saying: “We must come to accept the fact that the exercise of true authority will be divisive as it was in the time of Jesus. Ultimately living the pastoral authority of Jesus in loving obedience will lead us to the Cross as it led him to the Cross, for we will love the Father with the heart of Jesus.”
See LSN Special ReportBest Quotable Quotes from Bishop Samuel Aquila Talk
Also, the full talk is available here