He Kills Unborn Babies So Why Should He Care That He Killed an Adult?
Notorious abortionist gets early release - shows no remorse for killing client
by Peter Smith

The pro-life watchdog says that the mother of the deceased, Laura Hope Smith, who died on the operating table at Rapin’s Hyannis clinic in 2007, told them Wednesday that the judge granted Osathanondh’s motion for early release after he had served barely half of his sixth-month prison sentence.
“Once again the man who killed my daughter receives mercy while our daughter and family receive none,” said Eileen Smith, Laura’s mother. She said that the judge had granted Osathanondh a “revise and revoke” motion, which means the abortionist will serve the rest of his sentence at his million dollar residence in Cape Cod.
The same judge had sentenced Osathanondh to six months in jail, followed by nine months home confinement with an electronic monitoring bracelet, and three years probation.
While Osathanondh was eligible for parole after three months, the parole board rejected his application because he showed no remorse. According to Smith, the board had called Osathanondh the most “arrogant and callous person to ever ask for parole in their experience serving on the parole board.”
“[T]he Judge disregarded the parole board’s comments and decision and granted him freedom to go home,” said Smith. “Where is my daughter’s freedom to go home, Judge?”
Prosecutors charged Osathanondh with manslaughter in July 2008 in the cause of Laura Smith. While under general anesthesia, Smith went into cardiac arrest and died, while Osathanondh was aborting her unborn child.
The Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine investigated and issued charges against him in February 2008 over the incident. He resigned his medical license the same day.
The board determined that Osathanondh failed to monitor Smith’s heart or “adhere to basic cardiac life support protocol,” and failed to call 911 immediately after her heart stopped. The board also stated that the abortionist neglected to keep oxygen available or a functioning blood pressure monitor in the room, and later lied to cover up his gross medical negligence.
“Today’s decision to release Laura’s killer was just plain wrong. We are very upset that Osathanondh was allowed to be released from jail early against the recommendation of the parole board,” said OR President Troy Newman in response to the news.
“A three month incarceration for depriving a woman of her life trivializes her humanity and diminishes the human dignity of all women. As long as abortionist quacks who maim and butcher unsuspecting women and kill their innocent babies are slapped on the wrist and sent home, we can only expect their arrogant, “above the law” attitudes to persist and the body count of dead abortion patients to rise,” he added.
Both of Laura Hope Smith’s parents are professed pro-life Christians active with the Calvary Chapel of Sandwich around Cape Cod. They adopted Laura as an orphan from Honduras. Eileen Smith told Operation Rescue in 2007 that she never realized her daughter was 13 weeks pregnant or considering an abortion until both her daughter and her grandchild were dead. One of Laura’s friends had taken the girl to Osanthanondh’s facility without her mother’s knowledge.
Laura Smith was an active member of the church and graduated from Upper Cape Tech with a degree in cosmetology. Over 600 people attended Laura’s funeral. At the funeral one young woman reportedly changed her mind about abortion after hearing the Smiths’ testimony about their daughter’s tragic death.
Related Story: Abortionist Pleads ‘Guilty’ to Manslaughter - Sentenced to 6 Months in Jail
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