The other day I read an article in the TH about the
Sinsinawa Dominicans having 2 women make their professions, 1 the 1st, 1 the final. (
Sisters to make profession with Sinsinawa Dominicans) I found this interesting in comparison to the recent discussion I had about the
Nashville Domincans from the mother of 1 of them. She was talking about the large class of postulants. Last year they had 23 new postulants. So why the big difference? Simple, 1 group is faithful to the Magesterium & wears the habit. the other group is into radical feminism, rejects the Magesterium & avoids the habit like the plague.
Naturally, it is the Nashville Dominicans (aka Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia) that are having the abundance of vocations. They are faithful to the teachings of the Church. They are strongly pro-life. As I said, they wear the habit. They have a deep devotion to the Eucharist as well. They are a contemplitive/active order that operates many schools where they pass on the faith that they uphold. They are a member of the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (the good gals).
You may remember the Sinsinawa Dominicans from my recent posts on them. They are anything but faithful to the Magesterium. Among their members is the infamous Sr. Donna who spent several years working as an escort at an abortion clinic. They supported ObamaCare with its funding of abortion, they are into radical feminism as well as other New Age practices. Here is a "New Age" prayer they have posted on their website that gives a prime example of the spirituality they promote:
Fire of love, burn in our hearts.
We walk together in mystery into
an unknown future
Breathe in us; warm us; transform
• our minds
• our hearts
• our lives
So that one with
• all our sisters and brothers,
• all creation
We become intentional co-creators
of a universe of
Justice, Peace, and Love.
We ask you this through Christ. Amen.
The oneness with all creation that it refers to is also known as the heresy of monism. Also notice how impersonal they prayer is. It is directed toward the "fire of love". I suppose you could say they are adressing the Holy Spirit, but then why not say so? & notice that they leave out Jesus' name. They don't even say "the Christ". They totally avoid any reference to the maleness of Jesus. & definitely now way do they make Him Lord either. Again, their idea of us being co-creator is the "New Age" idea of us being gods who are equal to God.
article by 1 of the sisters promotes gnosticism. It could also be something right out of Dan Brown's
DaVinci Code in its view of the Catholic Church.
& lest I forght, they are a part of the infamous dissident Leadership Council of Women Religious who are being investigated by the Vatican for their undemining Catholic teaching.
Then there is 1 other group of good Dominicans that I would like to mention that also shows the diference when you are a true "bride of Christ". They are the
Ann Arbor Dominicans (aka Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist). They just had 11 postulants get their habits & new names.
So let's review for the big test.
Faithful, wear habits = plenty of vocations
Dissident, radical feminist, no habits = few to no vocations
Note: I have done a couple Nuns With Good Habits articles on both the Nashville & Ann Arbor Dominicans.
Labels: Know Your Nuns, Nuns With Good Habits, Sinsinawa Dominicans
At 5/8/10 9:51 PM ,
TH2 said...
Great analysis, Al. Keep pounding away.
Incidentally, do you know the status of the Apostolic Visitation? Is it completed? (despite the defiance of many) Will there be a report?
Have not read much about it lately.
At 6/8/10 12:44 AM ,
Al said...
TH2, Haven't heard anything lately. The questionaires were supposed to be turned in by last Nov. & sometime this year the actually visiting of some convents was due to start.
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