The Pro-Abort Attacks on Free Speech, Free Expression of Religion & Freedom to Peacefully Assemble Continue
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3, 2010 ( – A number of pro-life activists have announced that they will pray on the public walkway in front of the Washington, D.C. Planned Parenthood (PP) on Saturday, August 14 as part of an event called "A Time to Stand" - even if doing so means arrest and going to jail.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, said about the event: “We are going to embrace free speech, the First Amendment and religious liberty … We will not be bullied or intimidated into silence. "It is tragic that peaceful Americans are being threatened with arrest and actually being arrested for simply praying on a public sidewalk and offering women help who are facing a crisis pregnancy.”
For years the pro-life community has been allowed to pray, counsel and hold demonstrations on the sidewalk, but earlier this year PP built a fence around the walkway and put up signs claiming that the area is private property. Now law enforcement officials are threatening to arrest people if they enter the fenced-off area.
On June 8 of this year, Rev. Mahoney was arrested for praying and reading the Bible.
But while PP claims the land is "private," pro-lifers argue that the abortion giant has not produced any evidence proving their case. Instead, they say, all the evidence indicates that the walkway remains public, as it has always been.
The American Center for Law and Justice, which is representing Rev. Mahoney, has met with D.C. City officials, and says that the officials confirmed that the sidewalk still remains public.
"It is unconscionable that the City of Washington, D.C. would ban and prohibit prayer and the First Amendment on a public sidewalk while protecting abortion and Planned Parenthood,” said Mahoney.
"With the recent arrest of a man praying in front of an abortion clinic in Chicago, the question must be asked, is this future of free speech and abortion under the Obama Administration?" he asked.
See related coverage:
Pastor Arrested for Praying in Front of Washington Abortion Facility
D.C. Prohibits Prayer and Free Speech on Sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood
Chicago’s ‘Bubble Zone’ Lands Praying Pro-Lifer in Court
At 4/8/10 1:26 AM ,
ErikaWhiteway said...
For al your talk about Founding Fathers, you are woefully ignorant of the ideology and history of the
Constitution, which was *not* written by the FFs, but was a re-writing of the Articles of Confederation. 'God'
has never been a part of it, only as a word that best embodied their concept of Natural Law. Maryland was
*a safe haven* for Catholics; Pennsylvania declared itself a religious refuge for any of any faith.
Go on and left men keep tricking you into subservience and suffering. You have no recognized Constitutional rights besides the vote, broodmare.
At 4/8/10 4:22 PM ,
Al said...
Outrider, maybe you are the one who better get his facts straight. The Constitution was NOT just a rewrite of the Articles of Confederation as you so wrongfully claim.
& given that men like Washington & Franklin & others who also signed the Declaration as well as founght in the Revolutionary War were at the Convention I can safely say that it WAS written by the Founding Fathers.
2ndly, maybe you might want to start reading what the Founding Fathers writings & speeches like I have made it a practice to do over the years.
You might also want to face up to the fact that many if not most of our Founding Fathers wer Christian, not merely diest at best. & that their view of Natural law came from Locke & Aquinas & that Natural Law was not the God you try & make it to be.
I will pray for you so that God will enlighten you to the truth of our countries Christian roots. I pity you because it is clear that you are filled with hate towards God & this Country.
As for your final comment, the fact that you have to resort to insults also proves that you know I am right & you are wrong & that your arguements have no standing in fact or truth.
At 5/8/10 4:42 AM ,
ErikaWhiteway said...
Yes, actually, I am a Constitutional historian, taught by my father, a history professor and Ford Foundation Fellow. I am also a woman whose rights under the
Privileges & Immunities Clauses and right to due process are not upheld due to your party's collective lack of intellectual evolution. If it makes you feel better to believe in a fairy tale and if 'praying' to what is essentially nothing more than a concept in the minds of *men* that gives you a feeling of influence over me--go right ahead. The fact that the many if not most of the FFs were Christian is exactly why their defense of others' religious choices was a high-water mark in the founding of this country. The entire First Amendment is about religious freedom--in England there was one church, the King's Anglican [Episcopal] Church; to be seen 'congregating' outside the church was suspicious, a threat of some other religion invading the realm; likewise, any public speech or 'broadsides' were suspect for the same reasons. The fundamental hypocrisy of the Constitution is that it is not about equality at all: it is about the advancement of financial opportunities to a select group of well-educated, brilliant white men who have succeeded in exploiting to death every resource they find in their quest for their own kingdom. Alexander Hamilton believed the office of President ought to be a 'lifetime tenure, such as a monarch', an office he was all to eager to hold. If you like Justice Scalia, a conservative Catholic, whom I happen to admire and respect very much, would probably not be in agreement with you at all: he is a true originalist, and the only mention of religion in the Constitution is 'making no laws amending the freedom of' which says nothing about God nor denomination.
At 6/8/10 12:32 AM ,
Al said...
Outrider, 1st of all, whatever your Father may have taught you, it is clear that your anger & prejudices are how you operate. Not the truth.
It is also apparent that you think that you can just insult & bully people & they will bow to you. I don't work that way.
I operate by searching for the truth. & the truth is, this is a nation built on Judeo-Christian principles.
It is also a truth that I very much respect & agree with Judge Scalia, something I highly doubt you do.
& unlike your attempts to take away my religious freedom, he would uphold them.
& yes, I will continue to pray for you, not because of any feeling of power or influence, but out of obedience to God who told us to pray for our enemies & those who hate you.
It is also very clear that many of your historical facts are wrong. For example, before the end of the Revolutionary War the Episcopal Church didn't exist. & it NEVER existed in England. So to use the term Episcopal in the context you did is totally wrong.
& he 1st amendment is about a lot more than religious freedom, it is about free speech, free assembly, & many other rights.
Nor did it ban the states from having a state religion, just the Federal government.
& it didn't throw religion out of the public square either. Washington, Adams & even jefferson believed it played a role. Jerferson even believed he had a responsibility to set an example so he regularly attended religious services.
As for Hamilton, yes he wanted a lifetime president. But he didn't get it either, so why bring that up?
As I said before, it is clear that you are operating out of hate & bitterness. & you get a thrill out of thinking you can put me down with your insults. Yet you demand respect. Don't you think you are being more than a tad bit hypociritcal.
PS You are also proving something I have long held, that most people that claim to not believe in God actually do. They just hate Him & the truth that He stands for so they deny & attack. If you really didn't believe in God & that what the Catholic Church taught was true, you wouldn't give a damn about what I did or didn't believe.
I know I will probably get 1 last nasty reply from you. & if you want to,fine. But I will let you know in advance that I am done publishing them.
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