In this edition I am doing something slightly different. Usually I show someone who claims to be a member of (or the whole) certain Women's Religious Order & someone who really lives as that Order is meant to. This time I want to look at someone who claims to be working for the poor & needy but is doing anything but that & a nun who really lived out the Catholic Social Teachings as they were supposed to. (Both are also examples of how their orders operate as well.)
Faux Social Justice Nun

Simone Campbell SSS
(Sisters of Social Service)
Simone Campbell is the executive director of
Network, a national Catholic justice lobby. If that alone doesn't raise alarms then a recent statement of hers should. Speaking on ObamaCare she said: "
Instead of making a decision many representatives are getting confused by insignificant details." (
Another Fruit(cake) Of Vatican II ) Apparently, she thinks that abortion coverage is an insgnificent detail. I base that on what I saw on both the Network website & her order's website. She is also buddy-buddy with Hilary Clinton. & we know where Hilary stands on abortion. Also, she is emblematic of her order. We won't go into all the New Age garbage there. But I will say that I don't see anything about bringing Jesus to these people as was mentioned by Papa Benedetto in his recent encyclical. & definitely no Eucharistic spirituality. In fact everything I see at both Network & the SSS website would be prime examples of the wrong way pointed out in that encyclical.
Real Social Justice Nun
Mother Teresa MC
(Missionary of Charity)
Do I even have to explain the difference? 1st of all, anyone who has read anything at all of what she has said knows that everything she did was to bring people to Jesus. Her whole spirituality & that of the order is Eucharistic in orientation. (
Daily schedule) The order is truly contemplative in action. & as she once said about what Simone Campbell calls an insignificant detail, abortion; "
Any country that accepts abortion, is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants." (more quotes
here &
Speech of Mother Teresa of Calcutta to the National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, DC, February 3, 1994) Abortion was not an insignificent detail to her. I think I am safe to say that were she here today, she would be speaking out loud & clear against ObamaCare's including abortion.
PS: I have it from a reliable source that Simone Campbell may be in line for a well deserved inclusion in a future edition of MR. SCAMPERS' GALLERY OF GOOFY NUNS aka HABITLESS HUSSIES (
MSS / No. 11).
Labels: Know Your Nuns
At 23/8/09 7:35 AM ,
Kevin Whiteman said...
Thanks for the link, Piasan!
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