A while ago, Cavey (who lives in NC) over at
Lair of the Catholic Cavemen put in a plug for
WMMQ-FM 94.9 in Lansing MI. & I now occasionally listen to it via streaming audio. The station plays Classic Rock so I guess I shouldn't have been to surprized at what I heard, an ad for what purports to be a college that purports to "teach Michigan patients and caregivers how to grow medical marijuana for medicinal purposes". Suddenly I am flashing back to my youth & Cheech & Chong's
Nice Dreams. This has got to be an ad for the sequel to that movie, not a real place. But I check out the URL & it is a real place. (& no, I'm not going to give you the name or link.) Talk about life imitating art. Going to college to learn to grow pot. On 2nd thought life imitating art imitating life, Not that I think of it, I did know someone who did grow it in his dorm room back in my collge days. Or as the housekeeper for our floor put it 1 time: "What a cute little plant!" In those days we had a housekeeper who did some light cleaning in every room. She brought it out from the guy's room to show it to 3 of us standing in the hall talking. She really had no idea what it was. We all did a good job of keeping a straight face, until she left.
OK, I'm not condoning any illegial drug use. Remember, this was the 70s I'm talking about. & all I am doing is relating a story that the ad brought back to my memory. Back then a college like this would have never ever really existed, above ground at least. It just shows how much things have changed, & not for the better.
PS, it doesn't look like Sgt. Stedenko is in charge of security or Sr. Mary Elephant & Sr. Mary Rosetta Stone are a part of the Faculty.
Let me make 1 thing clear, I am not opposed to real scientific research. Many drugs, aspirin, quinine, penicillin, have come from plants. But this is not real research. I went through the 70s, work at a college. I looked at the website & what I saw was not a college in any way shape or form. As I said above, I saw something out of Cheech & Ching. I am sure some of the people may be sdincere, but this is not the way to go about helping those in pain from cancer.
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