Over the past few weeks I have seen some posts about so-called Catholic nuns that are working to undermine authentic Catholic teachings in various ways. I have seen articles & posts & I have put up a few posts about how the Leadership Council of Women Religious is up in arms at the upcoming Visitation as well as their being investigated by the Vatican. The usual suspects have been screaming in their defense. But there has been 1 thing clerarly left out in all the rants & raves, that the LCWR & the various orders that belong to it. They are not the whole story.
There is another group, The
Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR) & the various orders that belong to it that they don't want to acknowledge. Why? Because these orders are faithful to the Magesterium They have plenty of vocations & thus they are growing in numbers. They will be a part of the Visitation. Unlike the LCWR, the CMSWR is welcoming the Visitation. They know they have nothing to hide or fear. & when the report comes out they will be held up as the success stories as well as the ones that are truly faithful to what Vatican really intended.
There are also many Women Religious Communities out there that are not a part of the CMSWR but are also just as faithful to the Church. They will come out being lifted up as well.
THe LCWR & those abetting them don't want their story to get out because it will show them for what they really are, unfaithful to the magesterium. & they know the Doctrinal Investigation will show them to be anything but Doctrinally sound. They claim to be operating in the "Spirit of Vatican 2". What they are operating in is a false spirit (demonic) that has nothing to do with the real Spirit or Letter of Vatican 2.
Bluntly, I am tired of the LCWR & their behavior. They act more like the "
bride of Hosea" than "Brides of Christ". I am tire of their getting so much of the attention. & I decided it is time to do my small part to draw attention to the Women Religious who are truly "Brides of Christ". That is why I am starting a new series I am calling
Nuns With Good Habits.
A little explanation of the name before I go on. I have to give credit where it is do. I debated on several names. Finally, I settled on this. It was inspired by a post over at
The Heresy Hunter.
MSS / No. 11 looked at what Mr. Scampers called "
SIX HABITLESS HUSSIES". I think you can follow the line of thinking from there. OK, I know it is a bit of a groaner. But it does make the point. The nuns he looked at didn't wear habits & their behavior was anything but good & godly. & obviously the ones I am looking at wear habits as well as are truly Godly as well as striving to do what is truly good.
This series is also a bit of a corollary to my occasional Know Your Nun posts. Over time, I plan on looking at some of the truly faithful Women Religious Communities. Some have been arround for a long time. Some are new. They may be completely new orders. Old or new, some may have their roots in the Franciscans, Dominicans & Benedictines & other older orders. Others are completely new.
I know I won't be able to get to all of them. I know that. There are some that I know very little about but know they exist. Some of those that I know about don't have websites so I have no resources to draw on. But where there are the resources I will draw on them. Some you will know, some will be new to you.
As I said, they are the true "Brides of Christ". They are the orders that will grow while the LCWR groups will mostly end up extinct. Oh, you may see a few actually reform, but many are too far gone. The LCWR may currently have the larger overall numbers, for now, but as time goes on they will be a smaller & smaller percentage of the women religious. & as these true "Brides" grow in numbers, I suspect you will see a reverse in the overall decline in numbers as well.
As I said, it is time to draw more attention to these true "Brides". They deserve oor prayers & support. They are the true future of Women Religious, not the "Habitless Hussies", the "brides of Hosea".
With St. Dominic's feast coming up, I think you can guess that my 1st look will be at 1 of the Congregations that are his faithful daughters. I'll leave it at that.
Labels: Nuns With Good Habits
At 6/8/09 2:18 PM ,
TH2 said...
Al, I am glad to hear that you will concentrate on the true Brides of Christ in future posts. It is good to concentrate on the positive, and not so much on the negative, i.e. the "the habitless hussies", like the Scamps does.
A personal note: Within the last couple of months I have gotten to know a true Bride of Christ through my parish - a nun, Mother ________, who is now in the process of starting her own order. I am helping her with some computer stuff and administrative matters. She now resides by herself, with one oblate sister, and a couple of other humble Phillopino ladies on a beautiful piece of land just a few kilometres from my home. The problem is that the owners of the land (with Stations of the Cross, holy statues, etc - which has been a retreat area over the years), have not really helped Mother enough - in terms of fixing dilapidated buildings, monetary support (minimal), etc.. It's a consortium of owners and there is alot of beauracracy involved with them. Accordingly, Mother might look elsewhere and, of course, she always prays for help and that God's will be effected in her life.
Never before I have met such a humble and holy woman - devoted to Jesus and Mary, an incredible and continuous prayer life, selfless, patient, etc. Again - a true Bride of Christ. I will help her any way I can.
Interestingly, I have prayed to God, occasionally asking that I might meet and get to know a saint before I die. Now that I have met Mother _______, I think the Lord of History has granted my request.
Of course, I will continue to monitor your blog...
At 7/8/09 3:45 AM ,
Al said...
Still going to do an occasional hussie as you will have noted by now. But yeah, I think it is time to do more on the good side as the other side seems to be getting all the press.
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