I have include their mission statements. I have also included some other statements that reflect how they see themselves. Beyond the Franciscan name & the fact that the both have Eucharistic adoration, there is very little similarity. I will acknowledge that the FSPA hasn't wrecked their beautiful chapel. Amazingly, the FSPA also has a link to Ex Corde Ecclesia.
Real Nuns:
Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoraion (SSFPA)

Mission -- We, the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, participate in the mission of the Roman Catholic Church by living the Gospel in imitation of St. Francis and our foundress, Mother Maria Theresia Bonzel. As consecrated women faithful to our vows, we strive in community to combine the contemplative life with the active through perpetual adoration and works of mercy in education, healthcare, and other ecclesial ministries.We respond gratefully to our call in the Church to adoration and evangelization by:
- fidelity to our charism of Eucharistic and lived adoration
- dependence upon Divine Providence
- loving concern for one another
- authentic witness of our Franciscan values
- joyful service to all in need of Christ's presence, especially the poor
Following Christ: As we enter the Third Millennium, the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration continue to live and cherish the motto of our Foundress, Mother Theresia Bonzel, "He Leads, I Follow." May Jesus Christ be praised forever! Loyalty to the Church: As members of a Papal congregation approved by the Church we are responsible to serve the whole people of God and reverence the Pope and the Magisterium.
Prayer: We strive to direct ourselves completely toward Christ, so that we do not live for self, but rather love and serve Him in others. Apostolates: We serve the Church through Perpetual Adoration, education, healthcare and other ecclesial apostolates. In so doing, we follow in the footsteps of Jesus who spent His public life praying, teaching, healing and ministering to others. Faux Nuns: Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, LaCrosse, WI (FSPA)

We are ecclesial women whose mission is that of the church. We are sent as Jesus was sent to manifest God's love in the world; to bring new life, meaning and hope to a suffering and searching humanity; to heal with compassion and forgiveness; to proclaim the Gospel in word and action.
Direction Statement (2006-2010)
As Franciscans rooted in Eucharist and in communion with all of God's creation, we commit ourselves to:
Nurture cosmic awareness, develop right relationships with all creation, and promote sustainability of Mother Earth.
Deepen our understanding of our Franciscan heritage and live authentically as Franciscans in the 21st century.
Intensify our efforts to effect just treatment of all, especially women, in church and society.
Invite and support new members, affiliates, and partners to join us on our Franciscan journey.
True to our Franciscan calling, we commit ourselves to building Christ's Kingdom of justice and peace. We continue our efforts to preserve and nurture God's creation, to increase social and global consciousness, to educate ourselves to political awareness, and to encourage action to effect change where necessary.
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