I will admit that a bit of the language here is stronger than what I would use (at least in English), but that doesn't make the message any less valid. Simplex puts it bluntly, the Pope has done what he thinks is right for the Church.
While I have joked a bit about what the Pope should have done, I think that he was right to meet with her. saying he shouldn't is like saying Jesus shouldn't have dined with Zaccheus. OK, Jesus did convert after Jesus talked to him & so far Nancy is still on the wrong path. As chief Shepherd, Papa Benedetto went after a lost sheep like he was supposed to. It the sheep refuses the help, at least the Pope has done what he must. Jesus didn't always suceed either, look at the Rich Young Man who walked away. Still Jesus made the attempt.
Warning! Very Harsh Language Alert!
To all of you narrow minded, prideful friggin' Catholics that
think you have the right to tell the Holy Father what he should and should not do. Shut up so's I don't have to do it fer ya! You might imagine that I am speaking to all the idiots that called the Holy Father out on his lifting of the excommunication of the SSPX Bishops (better known in modernists circles as the four horsemen of the apocalypse). If that is what you think then you would be only half right.
See there are a large number of self righteous indignant buffoons who were incensed and enraged by the lefty modernists for questioning the Holy Father's actions. However now, low and behold, those same "defenders of the faith" turn on the Holy Father because he gave an audience to the enemy of the traditionalist Nancy Pelosi. You have got to be kidding me you knuckle dragging morons. The Holy Father deserves your utmost respect and loyalty. Do not question his taking time to counsel someone who is desperately needing it. This is not Rodger "the Dodger" Mahoney were talking about.
People were clamming about saying things like, "The Holy Father has no business giving audience to the likes of Nancy Pelosi." Sounds to me like the same shit the Pharisees were saying. Next thing these numb nuts will be asking for is Barrabas.
I know this is a strong message but I shit you not, if you expect the Holy Father to continue to stick his neck out to bring the Church back into the shape it should be, you can't be pouncing on it the moment he does something you don't like. You think that it is possible that you may not know what is best, of course not, because you and you alone were the one that saved and kept tradition alive in the church. Better get that damned chip off your shoulder because if I see it, not only will I knock it off, but I will stick it where the sun don't shine.
Pope Benedict XVI, I got your back!
posted by Simplex Vir
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