Friday, October 31, 2008
I've Been Through Worse, I've Survived An Abortion
Mille Grazie to The Courageous Bishops of America
Faithful Catholics in the US have been both stunned and gratified by the recent show of episcopal strength in dealing with the heretical nonsense of “Catholics” in public life who clearly misrepresent the Church’s teaching on vital issues. To date, more than fifty bishops have spoken out about this kind of misconduct or issued guidelines about voting at this critical juncture in our nation’s history. The trend is truly heartening. Let’s pray that it continues! Much more could be done, of course, but I am grateful that more bishops are standing up to strengthen and protect the faith of millions. Many have been longing for this show of valor from our fathers in the faith—and yes, they are our spiritual fathers. When they are strong, we are strong; and when they are weak—the flock is ravaged by wolves.
A few bishops deserve special mention. A good example is Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento, CA, who stood up before the misnamed “Catholic Gay and Lesbian” conference last month and proclaimed the Church’s natural law teaching that homosexual acts are mortal sins. A whole group walked out of his speech in protest, and he was reviled afterward for daring to present Catholic teaching to them. The organizer of the conference actually apologized to the attendees for the talk! Bishop Soto made no apologies though. Likewise, San Diego Auxiliary, Bishop Salvatore Cordileone, has been the strongest champion of the legal effort to define marriage as between one man and one woman to combat the radical homosexual lobby in California.
Nor can we fail to mention the strong pro-life stances of Archbishops Burke (now in Rome) and Chaput (Denver) as well as Bishops Vasa (Baker, OR), Farrell and Vann (Dallas, TX), Martino (Scranton, PA) and Mallooly (Wilmington, DE) who are representatives of a group of other bishops who have made their voices heard forcefully on the Catholic voting issue.
It is not just in the US, however, where bishops have been applying their authority in an astonishing fashion. Here are just a few more of the good things happening around the world in the episcopal college:
The Bishops of Canada issued a statement criticizing the bestowing of Canada’s highest honor, the Order of Canada, on extreme abortionist Henry Morganthaler as if he were an example of all that makes Canada proud. Cardinal Turcotte of Montreal actually returned his own Order of Canada medal as a sign of protest to this mockery;
John Cardinal Njue of Nairobi, Kenya recently issued a marvelous, hard-hitting pastoral letter to his Archdiocese concerning the efforts to legalize abortion in that pivotal African country which to date has been such a stronghold against the culture of death;
The Philippines Episcopal Conference came out forcefully against the US- and UN-inspired Reproductive Health Bill which attempted to legalize every form of perversion on that Catholic populace; the bill was subsequently defeated but the bishops know that theirs is a regular battle in which they must engage for the souls of their people.
Thankfully, there are many more examples of episcopal courage that we could add to the reflections but suffice it to say that there seems to be a new wind blowing through the College of Bishops all around the world these days. Perhaps that wind is originating from Bavaria, but whatever its origin, let us continue to pray for our bishops and priests who are always on the firing line between the culture of life and the culture of death. We also need to thank them personally when they speak out in order to encourage them to do even more! Now that the example has been set, let us hope that other bishops and priests will have the audacity of our hope in Christ to go out and do the same!
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Cleveland Right to Life Warns of So-Called Catholic Groups That Are Really Pro-Abortion
While the Bishop stays silent, others under his charge work to undermine Catholic teaching throughout the Diocese.
In the midst of the most important election in decades, with more at stake in the paramount issues of Life than at any other time in our nation's history, the USCCB issued its document "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship" in an attempt to help U.S. Catholics make morally sound decisions, based on solid Catholic principles, in the voting booth this November. Unfortunately, the document only seemed to create more confusion among the faithful. As a result, over 50 U.S. bishops have issued statements in an effort to clarify the document's directives and emphasize the pre-eminent position that Life issues (abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research) hold in the teachings of the Church.
The Chair of the CACD's Board of Directors is Elizabeth Bagley, a former member of Bill Clinton's State Department and wife of former Democratic National Committee Finance Chair Smith Bagley. She has personally given thousands of dollars to a host of pro-abortion Democrats, including Barack Obama.
Executive Director and Co-Founder of CACD, Alexia Kelley, was the Religious Outreach Coordinator for Democrat John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign.
CACD Co-Founder James Salt, who now acts as Director of Organizing for Catholics United, previously worked in the Kansas Democratic Party's Faith Outreach office; as such, he worked closely with ardently pro-abortion Kansas Governor Katherine Sebelius, who has been accused of protecting and even throwing parties for notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller ("Tiller the Killer"). Kansas Archbishop Joseph Naumann has publicly told Sebelius, a Catholic, not to present herself for Communion.
CACD Co-Founder Tom Perriello is currently running for office as a pro-abortion Democrat in Virginia. He founded a second organization that is closely aligned with radical leftist George Soros'
George Soros, the pro-abortion Democratic activist and billionaire, is a major contributor to CACD, providing $100,000 in 2006 and $50,000 in 2005. Soros also funds the abortionist front-group Catholics For Choice.
In July of 2008, Tom Allio participated in a convention sponsored by CACD, Catholics United, and the "Catholic" lobbying group NETWORK to draft the "Platform for the Common Good," a document which condemns "racism, sexism and classism" but never mentions abortion, euthanasia, or embryonic stem cell research. The Platform pleads for "green space", "ecological responsibility", "clean energy", "stewardship of the earth", and "nutritious food", but not for the recognition of the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death nor for its legal protection. Even the convention's "Breakout Session Statements" completely ignore Catholic teaching on Life issues, in favor of such issues as immigration and ecology.
It is this Platform's principles that Allio emphasizes in his diocesan voter's guides, in his "Faithful Citizenship" materials, and in his contributions as a member of the Board of Directors for Sojourner Magazine. Sojourner's Executive Director Jim Wallis was the moderator for several panel discussions at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, including one entitled "How an Obama Administration Will Engage People of Faith." And among its Contributing Editors, Sojourner lists notorious dissenters Joan Chittister and Rosemary Radford Ruether, both of whom have been censured by the Vatican.
Contact Bishop Lennon at; Phone: 216-696-6525 ext. 2030; Fax: 216-696-6547; or Chancery Building - 1027 Superior Ave. - Cleveland, OH 44114-2503.
Contact John Carroll University President Robert L. Niehoff at; Phone: 216-397-1886; or John Carroll University - 20700 North Park Blvd. - University Heights, Ohio 44118.
Contact the pastor of Gesu Parish, Rev. Lorn J. Snow, S.J.; Phone: (216) 932-0617 Fax: (216) 932-0731; or Church of the Gesu - 2490 Miramar Blvd. - University Heights, OH 44118.
Attend one or more of the above lectures and inform the audience of the speaker's bias and non-conformity with true Catholic teaching.
Forward this article extensively to faithful Catholics, pro-lifers and the media.
Volunteer to hand out faithful Catholic voting information in church parking lots this Sunday by calling Lifeworks Ohio at 216-661-3000 or e-mailing
Contact Cleveland Right to Life if you have any information you would like to share related to the Diocese of Cleveland (see contact information below).
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Kmiec et al*, This Is What You Are Supporting By Your Surrender to the "Culture of Death"
· Any hope for a U.S. Supreme Court majority opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade will be lost.
· The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) will be signed into law eliminating 35 years of laws that have restricted and regulated the practice of abortion.
· He would very likely offer legislation to eliminate the Hyde Amendment which protects taxpaying citizens from being forced to pay for abortions through Medicaid.
· Abortion will be covered in his proposed national health care plan.
· The Mexico City Policy, which bars taxpayer funding of organizations that perform or promote abortions in foreign countries, would be eliminated.
· Funding for the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) would be restored, allowing millions of taxpayer dollars for abortions and forced sterilizations in Third World countries, including China with its coercive “one child” policy.
· The Born Alive Infants Protection Act and the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act would be overturned.
· Current restrictions on the performance of abortions on military bases would be removed.
"Let them revere nothing but religion, morality and liberty."
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
“Republican governments could be supported only by pure Religion or Austere Morals. Public virtue cannot exist in a Nation without private Virtue, and public Virtue is the only Foundation of Republics.” - John Adams
Labels: John Adams
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Fr. Euteneuer: "No, it is not legitimate to disagree on abortion and still vote for a radical abortion candidate."
With respect to the abortion issue, the principle in question is the moral impossibility for a Catholic to cooperate in an act or an institution that is “intrinsically evil.” Now, something that is “intrinsically evil” is not just a bad thing—it is a heinous thing, trumping all other moral considerations, and we can never legitimately commit the act ourselves or approve of it in anyone else. Casting a vote for a candidate who forcefully advocates the killing of innocent unborn babies shows approval or unacceptable toleration of that heinous crime against humanity, and Catholics can never do it in good conscience. The Catechism of the Catholic Church calls such an attitude and action “formal cooperation” in evil (#2272). This does not mean that I commit the evil myself. It means that I agree with it and have made it possible for a person in public office to continue and/or advance that evil in my society.
Formal cooperation in the evil act of another is a sin, and depending on the gravity of the person’s evil act, formal cooperation in it can be a mortal sin. Since procured abortion is an intrinsically evil act, and all promotion of it fits into the same moral category, voting for a person who forcefully advocates it must be a mortal sin. Add to the sin of formal cooperation in evil the sin of disobedience to legitimate Church authority. To date the USCCB and more than a dozen US bishops and state bishops’ conferences have clarified these principles for Catholics, and their teachings couldn’t be clearer.
Further, add the sin of scandal that a regrettable number of priests and religious are giving by their appalling disingenuousness about Church teachings both in and out of the pulpit. Catholic parents and teachers equally give scandal when they do not teach their children the principles that undergird moral behavior or properly form their consciences according to the Truth that is in Christ.
Some ask if a Catholic may vote for someone whose policies would advance an agenda that is mostly in line with the Catholic Church’s teaching? Also, what if the Catholic disagrees with the candidate’s position on abortion but still wants to vote for this candidate for other reasons consistent with our values? Here the Church uses the term “proportionate reason” to indicate that there must be some kind of balance in the candidate’s position that indicates it is likely that a greater good would be accomplished for society despite the evil he or she advocates. Proportionate reasoning usually has to do with positions that are not intrinsically evil in themselves or that, if they are, would constitute such a minimal part of the platform that they would be “outweighed” somehow in the grand scheme of the candidate’s public service. According to the above principle, however, the degree to which the candidate would promote something as heinous as abortion can literally nullify all the other “good” that he or she would do for humanity! When the fundamental right to life is denied in society, all other rights and goods are therefore threatened. The very moral foundation of a people is eroded. So the answer has to be no, it is not legitimate to disagree on abortion and still vote for a radical abortion candidate.
May a Catholic vote for an “imperfect” candidate if the radical abortion candidate is worse? The Church says yes, but only if the vote is not expressed as an agreement with the “imperfect” elements of the candidate’s policies and only if the vote is intended to limit the evil that other candidate would inevitably do.
It is truly regretful that we have gotten to the point where we might have to surrender some of our basic values in the voting booth because we have not successfully insisted on the very best candidates for public office to serve the common good. That is a discussion for another day, but I anticipate that if Catholics do not assert Catholic values forcefully in elections and public policy from here on out, we may be faced in future elections with no choice whatsoever that can morally satisfy the Catholic conscience. Heaven help and guide us all on November 4th.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Dirty Secret About Breast Cancer-Abortion Link Pro-Aborts Don't Want Out
Yes we can!(cer)!
For those of you scratching your heads as to the recent surplus of pink in your town, October is officially the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Some quick facts: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer in women worldwide and the most common cause of cancer death in U.S. women aged 20 to 59 years. Each year in the United States, approximately 211,000 women develop breast cancer and more than 47,000 (20%) do so before the age of 50 years. Approximately two in 15 American women are expected to develop breast cancer in their lifetime, and nearly 40,000 U.S. women die of the disease annually.
It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the close ties of multiple breast cancer groups with abortion providers and supporters, could it? Why would groups like Susan G. Komen for the Cure give roughly half a million dollars a year to abortion provider and breast cancer producer, Planned Parenthood, then publish the truth about abortion causing cancer? Telling women the truth about their health risks would hurt political ties. And it would appear that politics far outweigh the rights of women to make informed health decisions.
Cynthia Pearson, formerly a Colorado organizer for NARAL Pro-Choice America and currently the executive director of the National Women's Health Network, sits on the National Breast Cancer Coalition's board of directors.Barbara Brenner, Breast Cancer Action's leader, formerly sat on the American Civil Liberties Union's board. The ACLU's abortion advocacy is well known in the courts.If tobacco executives and asbestos manufacturers were board members at the American Lung Association, donors would be outraged and would question their credibility. Why are we tolerating this blatant conflict of interest? The tobacco-cancer link might never have been brought to the public's attention if tobacco's executives had done what abortion's feminists are doing now... sitting on the boards of cancer fundraising organizations.
So what, you might wonder, is Planned Parenthood doing with the hundreds of thousands of dollars donated from the hard work and labor of women seeking awareness for breast cancer? While the nation is diligently acknowledging October as the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Planned Parenthood is busy observing October as their self-proclaimed "National Family Sexuality Month". While women nation-wide are participating in breast cancer walks, marches and fundraisers in the hopes of finding means to save the lives of their daughters and sisters and mothers, Planned Parenthood is occupied with holding events such as, "The Liberation of Women's Pleasure Through The Vibrator" and "Fantasy and Skin Hunger Training Seminars" that they claim are "family workshops" good for ages eight and up. Women are dying daily from abortion induced breast cancer, and yet promoting sexuality is a weightier issue in the minds of pro-choicers.
It would appear that Planned Parenthood is only pro-woman after first being pro-abortion. On the scale of importance, abortion comes first, women's health second. Or maybe women's health comes in third, after teaching second graders how to masturbate. I never can keep the liberal choice agenda straight.
If you look up "breast cancer" on Planned Parenthoods website, they encourage women to "get the facts" and to "not let fears and concerns get in the way of your health." How about not letting the fear of losing your annual income from abortion services get in the way of the health of the women you profess to care for? The website states, "Planned Parenthood is concerned above all with women's health and the risk factors for reproductive health problems." If this is truly the case, then why ignore conclusive and vital evidence that directly pertains to the development of breast cancer due to induced abortion? Stop viewing women as money producing machines that will sell you their "products of conception", and actually inform these precious individuals that they are putting themselves at risk!
Deceiving women on this issue is anti-woman and anti-choice. An editorial by a National Cancer Institute epidemiologist asserted that "a woman need not worry about the risk of breast cancer" when she contemplates an abortion... bless her ignorant, liberated little heart. I'm sorry, but regardless of being pro-life or pro-choice, all women undergoing abortion are entitled to full informed consent as to all risks involved in their decision.
The NBCAM website states that, "With breast cancer, education is empowerment." I completely agree. That's our cue, ladies. Let's spread the word. Attend a local breast cancer walk, fair, or event and distribute fliers with information on the abortion-breast cancer link. Get media attention. Be controversial! Write letters to fundraising organizations, stressing the importance of uncensored medical education pertaining to breast cancer. This issue is far too important to let anti-woman organizations like Planned Parenthood censor. I know the deep rooted political power of Planned Parenthood can be daunting, but to quote NBCAM on the importance of individual involvement, "Messages from real women can be just as powerful, if not more so."
So let's go raise awareness, shall we?
- Gingi Edmonds
Just Look at This Picture!!!!!
Edward Cardinal Egan
Archdiocese of New York
The picture on this page is an untouched photograph of a being that has been within its mother for 20 weeks. Please do me the favor of looking at it carefully.

If you do not have any such doubt, have you any doubt that it is an innocent human being?
If you have no doubt about this either, have you any doubt that the authorities in a civilized society are duty-bound to protect this innocent human being if anyone were to wish to kill it?
If your answer to this last query is negative, that is, if you have no doubt that the authorities in a civilized society would be duty-bound to protect this innocent human being if someone were to wish to kill it, I would suggest—even insist—that there is not a lot more to be said about the issue of abortion in our society. It is wrong, and it cannot—must not—be tolerated.
But you might protest that all of this is too easy. Why, you might inquire, have I not delved into the opinion of philosophers and theologians about the matter? And even worse: Why have I not raised the usual questions about what a “human being” is, what a “person” is, what it means to be “living,” and such? People who write books and articles about abortion always concern themselves with these kinds of things. Even the justices of the Supreme Court who gave us “Roe v. Wade” address them. Why do I neglect philosophers and theologians? Why do I not get into defining “human being,” defining “person,” defining “living,” and the rest? Because, I respond, I am sound of mind and endowed with a fine set of eyes, into which I do not believe it is well to cast sand. I looked at the photograph, and I have no doubt about what I saw and what are the duties of a civilized society if what I saw is in danger of being killed by someone who wishes to kill it or, if you prefer, someone who “chooses” to kill it. In brief: I looked, and I know what I saw.
But what about the being that has been in its mother for only 15 weeks or only 10? Have you photographs of that too? Yes, I do. However, I hardly think it necessary to show them. For if we agree that the being in the photograph printed on this page is an innocent human being, you have no choice but to admit that it may not be legitimately killed even before 20 weeks unless you can indicate with scientific proof the point in the development of the being before which it was other than an innocent human being and, therefore, available to be legitimately killed. Nor have Aristotle, Aquinas or even the most brilliant embryologists of our era or any other era been able to do so. If there is a time when something less than a human being in a mother morphs into a human being, it is not a time that anyone has ever been able to identify, though many have made guesses. However, guesses are of no help. A man with a shotgun who decides to shoot a being that he believes may be a human being is properly hauled before a judge. And hopefully, the judge in question knows what a “human being” is and what the implications of someone’s wishing to kill it are. The word “incarceration” comes to mind.
However, we must not stop here. The matter becomes even clearer and simpler if you obtain from the National Geographic Society two extraordinary DVDs. One is entitled “In the Womb” and illustrates in color and in motion the development of one innocent human being within its mother. The other is entitled “In the Womb—Multiples” and in color and motion shows the development of two innocent human beings—twin boys—within their mother. If you have ever allowed yourself to wonder, for example, what “living” means, these two DVDs will be a great help. The one innocent human being squirms about, waves its arms, sucks its thumb, smiles broadly and even yawns; and the two innocent human beings do all of that and more: They fight each other. One gives his brother a kick, and the other responds with a sock to the jaw. If you can convince yourself that these beings are something other than living and innocent human beings, something, for example, such as “mere clusters of tissues,” you have a problem far more basic than merely not appreciating the wrongness of abortion. And that problem is—forgive me—self-deceit in a most extreme form.
Adolf Hitler convinced himself and his subjects that Jews and homosexuals were other than human beings. Joseph Stalin did the same as regards Cossacks and Russian aristocrats. And this despite the fact that Hitler and his subjects had seen both Jews and homosexuals with their own eyes, and Stalin and his subjects had seen both Cossacks and Russian aristocrats with theirs. Happily, there are few today who would hesitate to condemn in the roundest terms the self-deceit of Hitler, Stalin or even their subjects to the extent that the subjects could have done something to end the madness and protect living, innocent human beings.
It is high time to stop pretending that we do not know what this nation of ours is allowing—and approving—with the killing each year of more than 1,600,000 innocent human beings within their mothers. We know full well that to kill what is clearly seen to be an innocent human being or what cannot be proved to be other than an innocent human being is as wrong as wrong gets. Nor can we honorably cover our shame (1) by appealing to the thoughts of Aristotle or Aquinas on the subject, inasmuch as we are all well aware that their understanding of matters embryological was hopelessly mistaken, (2) by suggesting that “killing” and “choosing to kill” are somehow distinct ethically, morally or criminally, (3) by feigning ignorance of the meaning of “human being,” “person,” “living,” and such, (4) by maintaining that among the acts covered by the right to privacy is the act of killing an innocent human being, and (5) by claiming that the being within the mother is “part” of the mother, so as to sustain the oft-repeated slogan that a mother may kill or authorize the killing of the being within her “because she is free to do as she wishes with her own body.”
One please God, when the stranglehold on public opinion in the United States has been released by the extremists for whom abortion is the center of their political and moral life, our nation will, in my judgment, look back on what we have been doing to innocent human beings within their mothers as a crime no less heinous than what was approved by the Supreme Court in the “Dred Scott Case” in the 19th century, and no less heinous than what was perpetrated by Hitler and Stalin in the 20th. There is nothing at all complicated about the utter wrongness of abortion, and making it all seem complicated mitigates that wrongness not at all. On the contrary, it intensifies it.
Do me a favor. Look at the photograph again. Look and decide with honesty and decency what the Lord expects of you and me as the horror of “legalized” abortion continues to erode the honor of our nation. Look, and do not absolve yourself if you refuse to act.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
She Doesn't Look a Day Over 110.

Labels: Statue of Liberty
Bishop Malooly Responds to Delaware Joe
Stockton Planned Parenthood: "It's just a grain of rice."
By Ashley Colantuono
We went to the Stockton Planned Parenthood to sidewalk counsel and hand out information. We decided to send a Truth Team in to talk to the women already in the waiting room.
And a couple minutes later they walked out as well. The man came up and hugged Bud while I talked to the girl. I asked her if she needed help. I told her that our team was outside to help them with whatever they needed. Bud encouraged this guy to be a man and provide for his girlfriend and child.
Labels: Planned Parenthood
What If This Had Been an Effigy of Obama . . . . .

instead of 1 of Sarah Palin done by a homosexual in California? (Halloween Palin Prop Sparks Controversy In WeHo)
What is really sad is that some of these probably HAVE been said.
Here is my list of the top 10 things overheard at a Catholics for Obama rally.
The Truth About Abortion's Psychological Damage That Planned Parenthood & Their Buddies at the American Psychological Association Won't Admit
I’m still a bit awestruck and emotional at what I encountered at the vigil site today.
We had invited several post-abortive women and men to stand with the “I Regret my Abortion” and “I Regret Lost Fatherhood” signs from the Silent No More campaign. Several of them shared their testimony of hurt and healing. I am still trying to process the intense emotions I have from this experience.
Here we have women and men deliberately ripping off their band aids and exposing their pain for the sake of those entering the abortion facility and those who work there. I have never seen a greater act of love.
Their self sacrifice is changing hearts and saving their sisters and brothers from making the same mistake they made so many years ago. My heart breaks not only from the sorrow of listening to their pain but from the joy of seeing the healing that they have experienced through God’s Mercy.
One of the most remarkable stories we heard this morning was shared by a woman that providence brought to us today.
She is well acquainted with the abortion facility where the 40 Days for Life vigil is taking place. She had an abortion there several months ago.
She told us how she was ambivalent about her abortion decision and had gone back and forth between the abortion facility and the crisis pregnancy center just down the road.
At that time she had been given a diagnosis of HIV and the abortion facility convinced her that her only option was to abort to avoid passing the deadly virus to her baby. Even though her husband objected, she initially consented to the abortion.
She was well into her second trimester and would need the two-day procedure for her abortion. She wanted time to think but the staff insisted she stay for the abortion and tricked her into doing the entire procedure in one day.
Meanwhile her husband was doing every thing he could to talk to her and get her out of the abortion facility but the staff locked him out and forced her to turn off her cell phone so he couldn’t communicate with her.
With the abortion completed she left and was later rechecked for HIV. It was found that there had been some mistake at the lab and she had been given a false positive report for HIV.
Today God has given her a healthy pregnancy — twins! — a renewed marriage commitment and some good lawyers to bring prosecution against the abortionist and his staff. She freely admits that these are all good things but nothing will bring back the child she has lost to abortion.
We pray in thanksgiving for the courage these women and men have demonstrated in exposing their hurt and healing and we pray for blessings on all those that hear their courageous words.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Texas Catholic Conference Is Sponsoring a "Pilgrimage for Life"
As Someone Who Has Been There, He Should Know
Good News - More Than 384 Lives Have Now Been Saved
That quick message says so much. The “why” really isn’t that important; what’s important is that for numerous days during this 40 Days for Life campaign, the doors were locked — and no babies were dying in one Oklahoma City abortion facility.
In Ottawa, Ontario, the 40 Days for Life team spotted a want ad for the Morgentaler Clinic, the center run by Canada’s most infamous abortionist.
The ad is for a counselor. The clinic is looking for someone with a university degree to work 15 hours a week. The job pays $24 an hour, and it’s an immediate opening.
Does that mean the previous counselor quit? There’s no way of telling at this point. But that could well be the case.
It’s noteworthy when clinics close or lose staff members, but it’s your presence outside the abortion centers that is, has been, and will continue to be so critical to changing individual hearts and minds.
And that’s why we continue to rejoice in the many reports we’re hearing of saved lives.
The latest tally of confirmed lives saved as a result of this fall’s 40 Days for Life campaign is up to…
Here are just a few of those stories:
“Another turnaround!” notes Major in Huntsville, Alabama. “That makes six here since 40 Days for Life started. This one was 18 to 20 weeks into her pregnancy. Please pray for her!”
“A pregnant woman came to speak to me after having left the abortion clinic,” said Joanne at 40 Days for Life in Providence, Rhode Island. “She changed her mind because people were praying outside. She has decided to have the baby.”
A couple spoke to a 40 Days for Life volunteer outside the abortion facility in Louisville, Kentucky, then went in. A while later, they two came back out and the man said, “You got to me. We couldn’t do it!” Jenny said there is so much to be thankful for. “Isn’t it so humbling that God has called us to be a part of this?”
Luke in South Bend, Indiana tells of praying at the 40 Days for Life vigil on a day he was tired, hungry and really looking forward to taking a break. About that time, a woman drove up and asked if he worked at the abortion center. “No, I’m working for the Lord,” he said, “and praying.”
The woman told Luke she was under extreme pressure to have an abortion, and then asked him, “Can I have your advice? What do you think I should do?”
Luke prayed for the Holy Spirit to give him the right words. He then asked the woman, “Who gave you this child?” Those were indeed the right words; she responded, “God did.”
He asked her how she could reject such a gift. She thought about that for a moment and said, “You’re right. I could never have an abortion.” Luke told her she could find help at the nearby pregnancy resource center, and then she drove away.
“I broke down and cried for joy,” he said. “Blessed be God forever!”
Labels: 40 Days for Life
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A Man for All Seasons
120 Minutes
Directed by Fred Zinnemann
Paul Scofield - Sir Thomas More