(For those of you who have no idea who Moloch was in ancient mythology, he was a false god back in OT times who required his followers to worship him by burning children alive on his altar. He has come to symbolize the sacrificing of the unborn at the altar of abortion.)
The other day in my post on the 1st day successes by this Fall's
40 Days for Life campaign I talked about the reaction in New York City. Apparently exercising their 1st Amendment rights of free expression of their faith, freedom to peacefully assemble & free speech by those in the Pro-Life camp is trumped by an alledged right to abortion.
Anyone who knows the truth, knows that those of us who protest outside abortion clinics, never stop anyone. We pray, are willing to talk & carry signs. But we never harrass. Unless you consider that our very presence is hated by those promoting abortion, esp when it does stop an abortion.
So, to justify passing a law that is intended to silence free speech, they lie about our actions. In NY City they are trying tochange the law to make our very presence there be harassment. But don't take my word for it. Here is a quote from a
press release by City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn : "
The legislation will also ease the burden of proof currently required in order to prosecute harassers. The current local law requires prosecutors to prove that a defendant intended to prevent someone from obtaining or assisting in reproductive health services. Under the new legislation, proof of such intent would no longer be required for prosecution. Additionally, either a clinic or a patient will be able to file a harassment complaint; currently only an individual’s complaints about such behavior are able to be prosecuted." The whole press release is an attempt to demonize the Pro-Lifers with lies. The false claims reek of fascism plain & simple.
It is no surprize to see who is supporting this law, NARAL & Planned Parenthood. Sadly, a group that should be supporting free speech, the New York Civil Liberties Union, is instead supporting this attempt to destroy the 1st Amendment.
But Pro-Life forces are not going to take this lying down. This is not the 1st attempt to silence ProLifers by abortionists. We know we need to fight back. Both
American Life League &
40 Days for Life have issued a call tom action.
In her statement, Katie Walker the Director of Communication for American Life League said: "
Please call Ms. Quinn's legislative office at 212-788-7210 or e-mail her at http://www.nyccouncil.info/html/actioncenter/contact_speaker.cfm and tell her to stop pushing her pro-abortion agenda at the expense of New York City citizens' constitutional rights to free speech and free assembly."
40 Days for Life is also providing the same info.
In his release about this, David Bereit the National Campaign Director of 40 Days for Life explains why they are so up in arms. "This fall's 40 Days for Life campaign in New York City has already documented 7 children saved from abortion due to the peaceful vigils... " He goes on to say: "...And the abortion industry is furious." Naturally, evil hates it whenever their plans are thwarted.
Dave Bereit goes on to talk about the New York City abortion industry's #1 enemy: "The proposal also appears to target Chris Slattery, who directs 40 Days for Life campaigns in the Bronx and Queens and has a history of effective pro-life activism as president of Expectant Mother Care-EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers."
He goes on to say: "Chris Slattery has fought similar battles before and is well known for refusing to back down from abortion industry attacks, and he certainly isn't backing down in this case, either.
Slattery told the media he will vigorously oppose the legislation. "Within minutes of learning of this new proposed bill on Wednesday, I contacted David Bereit, and we have begun assembling a crack legal team and activist support network for a full scale counter-attack against this unfair, biased and blatantly unconstitutional bill," he said."
Besides contacting the NY City Council we need to pray that these attempts to silence the Pro-Life forces is thwarted. Pray for wisdom for the legal team so that they can clearly present the righteousness of their side. Also, pray that the lies claiming the Pro-Life protestors threaten women, harrass them or may cause them harm will be silenced as well. The truth is, it is the Pro-aborts who are creating the fear by their attempts to demonize us on the Pro-Life side. & pray for those who are supporting abortion that they will be converted & turn away from the evil they are doing.
What is going on in NY City is just another example of the persecution that is being leveled at the Church for standing up & proclaiming the truth. They hope to scare & bully us into silence. & if that doesn't work, then put us in jail, or worse. This is nothing new, it has been going on for almost 2000 years. Peter & John & the Apostles refused to let the threats of the Sanhedren when stop them from preaching the Gospel. We must say the same thing they did: "We cannot stop proclaiming what we have seen and heard." (Acts 4) I won't lie, it may cost us, like it did the Apostles & others in the early Church. Many of us have already started paying that cost, some to a greater extent. We see the cost as worth it.
To borrow a line or 2 from John Adams: "I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us . . . . -- Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction." John Adams wrote these words to his wife Abigail on 3 July 1776. He was talking about what would follow as a result of the events of the day before when Congress declared independence from England. But what he said over 225 yrs ago is just as true today. They were willing to lay down everything to fight for life & liberty. We need to be willing to do the same to defend that right for those who cannot fight for it themselves.
Labels: 40 Days for Life
At 28/9/08 9:17 AM ,
Rev. Donald Spitz said...
It's true. Any coward who supports abortion has the blood of babies on their hands.
SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.
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