I Rarely Plug Movies, But. . . . .this 1 has the potential to be absolutely hilarious. I suspect that Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell & a lot of others from the Left(ist) Coast won't be too happy. In the next few weeks a hatchet job on George W. Bush is coming out & Bill Maher is about to unleash his big screen blasphemous attack on Christianity. These movies are representative of how Hollywood normally portrays conservatives & Christianity. They don't easily allow movies that counters their views to be made. Mel Gibson's troubles getting Passion of the Christ made is a prime example. I am fairly sure that it is only because David Zucker (Airplane, Police Squad, Naked Gun 1, 2-1/2, 33-1/3) is behind it that it even got made. I also suspect the hardest thing for the scriptwriters was to decide what to omit as Moore et al have put enough material out there for several of this type of movie.
It is rated PG-13 for rude and irreverent content, and for language and brief drug material. This is definitely NOT a PC movie.
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