For some reason Iowa Senator, & Bahamas resident, Tom Harkin has yet to weigh in on the Pelosi-Biden claims v What the Catholic Church Actually Teaches controversy. Like Pelosi & Biden he is Catholic & like them he is firmly on the side of the "culture of death". He is also not known for being quiet.
Either he has realized that he is vulnerable on this issue here in Iowa (doubtful) or he just hasn't had the opportunity to join them (probable). When he does, & I think that is almost inevitable, it will be interesting to see how Iowa's Bishops react. So far, only Bishop Nickless of the
Sioux City Diocese has said anything about either Biden or Pelosi. With Harkin, it will be a lot harder for them to stay quiet. I would venture to say, almost impossible, much as they may wish they could.
It has been fun to watch how God has turned up the heat to make what the Dems hoped wouldn't be a major issue into 1 that has stayed on the front burner. & if the Bishops think that the heat will be less at their Fall Gathering because it takes place after the election is over, I highly suspect they will be proven wrong. God is gong to keep the heat up.
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