Family Research Council Washington Update for 4 August 2008 (
My comments in blue)Congress Is Revolting (You can say that again!)
Of the 290 laws passed this Congress (which comes
dangerously close to the lowest number ever), (That is not necessarily a bad thing, except when you see the laws they did pass.) 30 percent of them just name post offices. Congress also took the time to recognize July as "National Watermelon Month" (Couldn't that be taken as racist? Oh wait, it was in some areas.) and officially classify dirt as a natural resource. (DIRT??????????) It is little wonder that Congress's approval rating is in the single digits-nine percent-for the first time ever. (Only to the Democrats who have no grasp of reality. I would have to lump several Republicans in this group as well.) While the nation tends to be safer when Congress has recessed, (NO ARGUEMENT HERE! When they are away they aren't coming up with new ways to waste our money.) there are a number of issues that Congress has failed to address, including the confirmation of President Bush's judicial nominees, (In some cases going back for over a year, or longer.) protecting minors from being carried across state borders for an abortion, (thus allowing them to be victims of the abortion clinics, rapists etc.) and increased U.S. energy independence. (Oh wait, if we do that, they we disempower the elitists so they can't run our lives.) Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has been trying to highlight the judges and energy issues on the Senate side and Reps. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) and Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) have been instrumental in getting life issues talked about in the House. Last Friday dozens of Republicans joined hundreds of spectators on the House floor to protest Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) decision to send Congress home for the rest of the summer without a vote on legislation to move America toward energy independence. The protest is set to resume today, despite Democrats' turning off the lights and microphones. (While I applaud the Republican attempts to highlight these issues, their hands aren't exactly clean when it comes to spending earmarks, etc. If it were, they wouldn't have lost control in 2006.)
I still stand by a suggestion I had last year for how to solve the energy crisis, just lock up Congress & all other politicians in a room & tap all the hot air they produce. That alone would provide enough energy for eons to come. & they wouldn't be able to get their hands on our hard earned money either.
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