Answer: They aren't, in fact not only is there more & more proof that there is NO NEED TO USE EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS, there is more proof that embryonic stem cell treatments actually do more harm than good.
1st the good news:
Medistem Inc, a biotec company that works with adult stem cells only, has announced a new success using the Endometrial Regenerative Cell (ERC) that they developed. Officials from the lab confirm that the ERC has treated an advanced form of peripheral artery disease known as critical limb ischemia successfully.
According to the WND report: "In a peer reviewed publication, the team supported by Medistem said the administration of ERC "preserved leg function and viability in animals induced to mimic the human condition of critical limb ischemia.""
Dr. Michael Murphy, a vascular surgeon who served as lead author had this to say: "As a physician to sufferers of critical limb ischemia, I am extremely proud to be involved in developing therapeutic applications using the ERC cell. If approved by the FDA, we may one day provide this patient population with an option to amputation."
Thomas Ichim, CEO of Medistem told WND that "there are possibilities now to develop preventative or other treatments for liver disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, pulmonary disease, heart disease and others."
So what is this miracle cell? According to Medistem the ERC "is a "universal donor" stem cell derived from menstrual blood. ERC's possesses the ability to differentiate into nine tissue types, produce large quantities of growth factors, and can be easily administered without need for invasive procedures."
They go on to talk about 3 important attributes: "a) They are derived from non-controversial sources; b) The activity of the cells is not substantially neutralized by the immune system, allowing for use of cells from one standardized source (e.g. universal donor); c) The cells can be administered intravenously since they home to injured or degenerated tissue."
"ERC's are capable of transforming into major tissues of the body including heart, lung, liver, brain, and blood vessels. It was published that ERC's also produce large amounts of therapeutic factors, in some situations at higher levels than other types of stem cells. Medistem collaborators have demonstrated that ERC's are potent inducers of new blood vessel formation in animals lacking proper circulation. To date studies have demonstrated that ERC's do not cause adverse effects when administered at therapeutically-relevant doses to animals." (emphasis mine)
That last line leads to the bad news, if you support embryonic stem cell research: "Researchers at Stanford University have discovered that human embryonic stem cell therapies may suffer from a high probability of immune system rejection similar to that found in organ transplantation."
"Researchers found that an immune response resulted in mice injected with human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Because of the immune response, all the transplanted cells were dead within a week, Scientific American reports.
The new findings, in addition to previous work, suggest hESCs injected into a human patient would also provoke an immune response. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved the injection of hESCs into human patients because the raw cells have the potential to become cancerous."
"According to Scientific American, Wu said the result is "not a disappointment, it's more of a reality check… I think there's some promise [to hESCs], but you don't want to be foolish and say these cells are going to cure things in the next five years.”"
The number of adult stem cell successes continues to grow. There are therapies that are currently in use. & more are coming on a regular basis. On the other hand, what do those who support hESC research have to offer? Only pie in the sky, maybe sometime in the future we just might find something that just might cure something. & only if we can overcome the dangerous side effects that make the cure worse than the illness.
Adult stem cell therapy offers real hope. No adult stem cell therapy has caused cancer. No adult stem cell therapy has caused immune system rejection. & over 70 therapies have given people a real hope & a better life.
Let's face it, if hESC research offered real success, private investors would be pouring money into the research. They aren't. Why? Because the reality is they know what is bringing results & what will bring them a return on their investment. & it isn't hESC research. So those who are pursuing the chimera of hESC know that the only way they can get money is to go to the 1 source that won't call for accountability, the public trough. They know that the culture of death will support them. Never mind that the money they waste could be better spent if it was kept in the pockets of the taxpayers.
Labels: Stem Cell Research
At 24/8/08 9:05 AM ,
Unknown said...
Dear Al:
Up to now I thought I was the only one in the land to come out and say it: hESC are not needed. I have been saying it since 2006.
Come to our website and take the 19 minute course, Stem Cells 101 which you probably don't need but your readers could appreciate.
Don Margolis
The Repair Stem Cell Institute LLC
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