I can impose mine on you according to the Pro-Choice camp. Do they not see their hypocracy?
The simple answer is NO!
They tell us we can't make abortion illegal because we are imposing our morality. They say we can't ban birth control because we are imposing our morality. In other words a -pro-abortion, pro-death morality is sacrosanct. But if you are Pro-Life & feel that dispensing birth control is immoral than too bad. Pro-choicers say it is OK for them to do what they decry in Pro-Lifers.
Over the last few months the debate has raged as some states have debated conscience laws to allow Pro-life pharmacists the right to refuse to do something that they see as immoral.
Now the latest Pro-Life salvo is being fired. Pro-Life drugstores are starting to open up. & the pro-aborts are screaming bloody murder.
"I'm very, very troubled by this," said Marcia Greenberger of the National Women's Law Center. "Contraception is essential for women's health. A pharmacy like this is walling off an essential part of health care. That could endanger women's health."
Besides the fact that contraception IS NOT essential, the claim that it endangers a woman's health seems very specious.
Then there is this: "Why do you care about the sexual health of men but not women?" asked Anita L. Nelson, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. "If he gets his Viagra, why can't she get her contraception?"
While I don't approve of the abusive uses of the drug, there is a huge difference in the purpose behind Viagra & birth control. Viagra can help a man to procreate, birth control doesn't. (Check out Pope John Paul's Theology of the Body for a full explanation of how birth control hurts not helps a marriage.)
So, who are some of these brave Pro-Lifers that are doing the right thing & taking a stand against the "culture of death" that permeates our society?
1 place is
Lloyd's Remedies in Gray, La run by Lloyd Duplantis, a permanant deacon in the Catholic Church.
"We try to practice pharmacy in a way that we feel is best to help our community and promote healthy lifestyles. After researching the science behind steroidal contraceptives, I decided they could hurt the woman and possibly hurt her unborn child. I decided to opt out." Not only does he run a Pro-Life apothecary, he is also closed on Sundays.
This Summer DMC Pharmacy opens on Route 50 in Chantilly, VA. DMC is a part of
Divine Mercy Care in Fairfax, VA. They also run
the Tepeyac Family Center, an obstetrics-gynecology practice in Fairfax that offers "natural family planning" instead of contraceptives, sterilization or abortion.
1 comment that brought the biggest laugh to me, as well as the biggest tear, because of the pure hypocricy was this: "If you are a health-care professional, you are bound by professional obligations," said Nancy Berlinger, deputy director of the Hastings Center, a bioethics think tank in Garrison, N.Y. "You can't say you won't do part of that profession." Does she remember the Hypocratic Oath & its Pro-life portions that have resulted in today's health care profession dropping it because it reminds them what they are doing is wrong?
On the other hand this made me cheer: "If I don't believe something is right, the last thing I want to do is refer to someone else," said Michael G. Koelzer, who owns Kay Pharmacy in Grand Rapids, Mich. "It's up to that person to be able to find it."
"We may find ourselves with whole regions of the country where virtually every pharmacy follows these limiting, discriminatory policies and women are unable to access legal, physician-prescribed medications," said R. Alta Charo, a University of Wisconsin lawyer and bioethicist. "We're talking about creating a separate universe of pharmacies that puts women at a disadvantage." What Ms. Charo misses is the point of why this may happen. The reason is simple. It is simple economics. These people find what see wants as immoral. & thus they will support Pro-life pharmacies. As Robert Semler who will run the DMC Pharmacy put it: "We're not threatening anybody. We're just trying to serve a niche market of like-minded individuals." That's how capitalism works.
By Ms Charo's ethical standards evil is OK, good isn't. But this isn't surprizing as she also is in favor of embryonic stem cell research. Lord have mercy on her soul.
Thank God there is a growing group of people who know they can't leave their faith at the door. According to John Bruchalski, Chair of Divine Mercy Care's board of directors: one of the organization's major goals is helping needy, uninsured patients obtain health care. "We're trying to create an environment where belief and professionalism come together."
Then there is
Pharmacists for Life International. (PFLI) According to their website they are
the only website serving the profession of pharmacy as a totally 100% pro-life philosophy! So far there are only about 7 pharmacies listed on their site. But according to Karen Brauer, president of PLFI:
"It's just the tip of the iceberg. And there's new ones happening all the time." Pro-abortion, pro-birth control forces may try & impose their will but there are many people out there who know what is right. & just like the early Christians in the Roman Empire, they are willing to stand up for WHAT IS RIGHT, WHAT IS MORAL!!! NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!!!
I have to add a comment about how the Washington Post handled this story. It showed their pro-choice, pro-"culture of death" mindset. I found it interesting that the only ethicists they talked to were those who support the pill. There are plenty of Pro-Life ethicists out there. But then to use them would be to imply that what these Pro-Life pharmicists are doing IS ETHICAL. & in their culture of death, anything that is Pro-Life can't be ethical.
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