When Will the NAACP Realize That IT IS Playing Into Margaret Sanger's Hands?
Rev. Clenard Childress, a New Jersey pastor, told LifeNews.com about the protest and said pro-abortion presidential candidate Barack Obama and former candidate Hillary Clinton will be at the convention.
"Because 2008 is an election year, the presidential candidates will undoubtedly speak at the convention. This gives us a national stage to make our case to the American people, as a whole, as well as the convention delegates," he explained.
He said the protest at the Cincinnati, Ohio convention will highlight the failure of the NAACP to recognize how abortion is destroying the black community by the thousands.
"We will be addressing the failure of the joint board to read the resolution from Macon, Georgia that brings to the attention of the convention the alarming abortion rate and the increasing health risk," he said.
"Historically, the NAACP has failed to address the concerns of many of its delegates about abortion," he added.
The black pastor pointed to a 2004 resolution voicing support for “equal access to abortion” and urging its members to participate in a pro-abortion rally in Washington.
In 2007, the NAACP, for the second time in four years, blocked a proposed resolution expressing opposition to abortion.
He also pointed to black leaders like Jesse Jackson who historically took pro-life positions but compromised on the issue for political gain.
"Sadly, like Jackson, so many of America’s black leaders have sold out to the abortion industry," he says. "But we have an opportunity at the NAACP convention to remind these leaders of our real value system."
But, ultimately, if the African-American community can tackle the abortion issue, Childress says the pro-life movement will win and mothers and unborn children will be protected.
"Whether you are black or white, we know that the black community and its leadership hold the key to turning the abortion debate around. If my fellow black leaders begin to address the issue -- Roe v. Wade’s days are numbered," he concluded.
Childress is sponsoring two buses to bring 100 African-American pro-lifers with him to the event.
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