Pluto Now Called a PlutoidActually in a way it is. The debate rages almost 2 years later about whether the status of Pluto should have been downgraded from a full blown planet to a dwarf planet. Now the ones beyond Neptune have a name. But what about the former asteroid Ceres. It is also a dwarf planet as a result of the change. While there is Pluto & Eris beyond Neptune, so far Ceres is the only known 1 inside Neptune's orbit. For now.
I can guarentee that somewhere down the road there will probably be at least 1 more discovered. Or that certain known asteroids will be discovered to fit the definition. Pallas, Vesta, and Hygeia are all candidates. & what about Sedna & some other trans-Neptunian objects. Are they plutoids? & the surprizes in the outer reaches of our Solar System may create more problems about what is or isn't a Planet. It is impossible to predict what the Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud may hold. It was only a little over 2 centuries ago that we thought there were only 6 planets & no asteroid belt. Look at how many new moons have been discovered since the 1980s. & that is only in our Solar System.
The more we discover, the more we will have to realize that we don't know. & somewhere along the way face the fact that none of this could have happenned by chance. There are those who will continue to deny the existance of a creator. But the evidence IS there!
As Psalm 19 says: "I cieli narrano la gloria di Dio, e l'opera delle sue mani annunzia il firmamento." ("The heavens declare the glory of God, the vault of heaven proclaims his handiwork.) Maybe its time a few more people start listening. Capish?
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