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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says Yahweh Sabaoth" Zach 4:6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dio di Signore, nella Sua volontà è nostra pace!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin 1759

Sunday, June 15, 2008

This Will Solve Bishop Trautman's Concern About Using Ineffible in the Liturgy

But, if true, it may give him a case of apoplexy instead.
Headline from the Telegraph: Latin Mass to return to England and Wales
Here are the pertinant paragraphs from the article:
"The traditional Latin Mass – effectively banned by Rome for 40 years – is to be reintroduced into every Roman Catholic parish in England and Wales, the senior Vatican cardinal in charge of Latin liturgy said at a press conference in London today.
In addition, all seminaries will be required to teach trainee priests how to say the old Mass so that they can celebrate it in all parishes.
Catholic congregations throughout the world will receive special instruction on how to appreciate the old services, formerly known as the Tridentine Rite.
Yesterday’s announcement by the senior Vatican cardinal in charge of Latin liturgy, Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, speaking on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI, will horrify Catholic liberals, including many bishops of England and Wales.
The Pope upset the liberals last year when he issued a decree removing their power to block the celebration of the old Mass. Yesterday’s move demonstrates that the Vatican intends to go much further in promoting the ancient liturgy.
Asked whether the Latin Mass would be celebrated in many ordinary parishes in future, Cardinal Castrillon said: “Not many parishes – all parishes. The Holy Father is offering this not only for the few groups who demand it, but so that everybody knows this way of celebrating the Eucharist.”
"Pope Benedict will reintroduce the old rite – which will be known as the “Gregorian Rite” - even where the congregation has not asked for it. “People don’t know about it, and therefore they don’t ask for it,” the Cardinal explained.
The revised Mass, adopted in 1970 after the Second Vatican Council, had given rise to “many, many, many abuses”, the Cardinal said. He added: “The experience of the last 40 years has not always been so good. Many people have lost their sense of adoration for God, and these abuses mean that many children do not know how to be in the presence of God.”
However, the new rite will not disappear; the Pope wishes to see the two forms of Mass existing side by side.
"Following last year’s papal decree, liberal bishops in England and America have attempted to limit the takeup of the old Mass by arguing that the rules say it should only be reintroduced when a “stable group” of the faithful request it. But Cardinal Castrillon said that a stable group could consist of as few as three people, and they need not come from the same parish.
The changes will take a few years to implement fully, he added, just as the Second Vatican Council had taken a long time to absorb. He insisted that the widespread reintroduction of the old Mass did not contradict the teachings of the Council.
If true this will be interesting to see the handwringing & other reactions by those who would dumb down the liturgy.
& I include Bishop Donald W. Trautman of the Diocese of Erie. This is from a recent article in the Erie Times-News (Bishop Trautman objects to some proposed language changes ):
""Ineffable."The word worries Erie Catholic Bishop Donald W. Trautman.
He doubts that "John and Mary Catholic," sitting in their church pew, would understand it.
That's why Trautman will try to tell other U.S. bishops that such words shouldn't be in a new English translation of the Roman Missal."
"Trautman said the draft includes words such as "ineffable" that would not be in the ordinary vocabulary of people.
"This should be the prayer of the people," Trautman said. "I'm not for having street language. ... We should certainly have elevated tone, but words like that are just beyond the common comprehension.""
Apparently Bishop Trautman has never read T.S. Eliot's book Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. (Yes the book that Andrew Lloyd Webber turned into the musical Cats.) In the poem The Naming of Cats eliot uses the word ineffible. & I heard it used tonite on a program on EWTN about the Camino de Santiago (I've talked about that when some friends of mine made the pilgrimage).
I would have to ask Bishop Trautman "Who's comprehension? Yours?" It seems the word has more everyday use than you want to admit. OK, given the poor quality education given to younger people they may not run across words like this as often. But once upon a time we were told look up the word, learn its meaning & add it to your vocabulary & thus become smarter rather than letting everything be dumbed down.
In reality, I suspect that the real reasons lie elsewhere. Part of it is not wanting to use words that have a clearer theological meaning that doesn't leave room for the Mendacious Banality that Bishop Peter J. Elliot (auxilary of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melborne Australia) warned about. Sorry for the big words Bishop Trautman, "mendacious" means "not truthful" & 'banality" means something is "trite or stale". PS "ineffible" means "too awesome or sacred to be spoken", like God's name.
Another reason closely related to this is that it might require the teaching of the truth for once. & besides the fact that it would make some of them actually have to do so, the people might find out how mendacious many of their priests & bishops have been (not to mention theologians) in the past.
I am all for a better, more accurate English translation of the Novus Ordo. & better faithfulness to doing the rite right. I also welcome more use of the "Gregorian Rite". Between the 2 we might come to better know how ineffible God's name really is.


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