Of profit that is. Despite its claims & legal status, Planned Parenthood is a business, plain & simple. & like any business they want to make a profit not break even. Yet they claim year after year they need Federal & State money to keep them going.
They make it sound horrible when they have to close a clinic, claiming it is because the orginization doesn't have the money to run them. To go back to the business model, this claim is especially a BIG LIE. The reality is, like a retail chain, when a location contiunually loses money, you close it. & you open at new locations where you think you will make money. That is how PP operates. But, you keep hearing how poor they are.
So, PP explain your Fiscal Year 2006-2007 revenue over expense of $112 million. To put that in plain English, during that period they made a profit of $112 million. & they don't have to pay a cent of income tax on that. Instead they get huge grants of our tax money to enable them to turn a profit.
Just so you know, the amount is taken directly from Planned Parenthood's annual report found on their website. & no, I will not provide a direct link to them. But, I did check it out myself. & guess what, it reminds me of every annual report I get from the companies I get stock from. As I said, they are a business.
Just to put this in perspective, for the 2005-2006 year they made $55.7 million. So in 1 year they doubled their profits. I don't know of any other corporation that can make that claim while helping to murder over 3200 people every day.
Wait, there is still more. 2006-7 saw PP also set several other records. This year saw PP's income cross the $1 Billion mark for the 1st time, $1.017 billion to be exact.
Next, they also set a record for the amount of Federal & State monies that they received. The total: over $336 million. & remember, they use a portion of that money to lobby for more money as well as to give donations to candidates who support their murderous efforts. (CAUTION: SUPER ULTRA-EXTREME MAXIMUM HYPER-SARCASM AHEAD) YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my money back. This use of our tax dolars is an INFAMIA!!!, plain & simple.
Next up is the saddest record they set. They reached a new high in the number of abortions they provided. they went from 264,943 in 2005-6 to 289,650 in 2006-7. I find it interesting that according to their buddies at the Alan Guttmacher Institute the number of total abortions has gone down, while the number they are doing is going up.
If this were Wal-Mart the liberals would be screaming "MONOPOLY!" & don't forget how much these same liberals scream about the record profits the oil companies are making.
Apparently if that monopoly is an abortion provider it is OK. & if an abortion provider makes obscene profits off of murder I guess that is OK by liberal standards also.. Just don't harm the environment.
But, for the utimate in חֻצְפָּה (chutzpah), there is this. On their website PP claims that the report: "highlights our advancements in providing and protecting trusted health care services and medically accurate sexuality education." If I didn't know that this claim was serious, I'd say that it was a sick joke.
In 1984 former abortionist, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, made a film that showed us exactly what happens during an abortion. Here is the portion of
Silent Scream that shows us exactly what it is that PP does to make its obscene profits:
(While this is graphic & horrible enough & does get the point across, I'm sure that no abortionist would allow any ultrasound done during an abortion. Why? Because of the fact we now have 4-D ability that would make abortion even clearer & more horrific if anyone saw it.)
We can't lessen our efforts to bring about an end to abortion. We MUST keep praying, keep supporting Pro-Life orginizations, get involved in local efforts & work to elect Pro-Life candidates to every office, including city councils. Now, even more than ever we must keep up the fight!
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