A few years ago, the Feast of the Annunciation was declared to also be the "
Day of the Unborn Child". This day was chosen because this day commemorates the day Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary.
The purpose of the day is to remind us that life begins at conception, not 9 months later at birth. It is also to be a special day to pray for an end to abortion & that life would be respected at all stages.
Normally, the Feast of teh Annunciation falls on 25 March, but because of when Easter occurs this year it is moved to Mon, 31 March. Many places have scheduled Rosaries for Life, special Masses & other events. Many of these are listed on the Day of the Unborn website. If you cannot find anything in your area contact you local Diocesan Chancery or Knights of Columbus to see if there is something going on. If there isn't than consider spearheading the start of such an event in your area for next year.
Here in DBQ there will be several events at
St. Raphael's Cathederal. Monday (31 Mar) at 6:30 pm there will be a Rachel Rosary. At 7:00 pm Archbishop Jerome Hanus, O.S.B will be the main celebrant for the Mass. The area KC Councils are spearheading the event.
This year it coincides with
Terri's Day (International Day of Prayer and Remembrance for Terri Schindler Schiavo, and All of Our Vulnerable Brothers and Sisters). This is the date that Terri died after the courts ordered her to be starved to death. This day is sponsored by
Priests for Life &
The Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation.
Life is being attacked from all sides. & we cannot be silent. Pray, pray, pray. But also get involved. There are many good Pro-Life groups that need your support, financial & physical. Join in at prayer protests at abortion clinics. Work for Pro-Life candidates. I cannot emphasis enough how we must do so as a part of our prophetic role as Christians.
Terri was murdered 3 years ago. Many others in similar condition are facing the same threat. Over 3200 babies are killed each day by abortion in the USA alone. Every life has a purpose & has an intrinsic value that doesn't depend, despite what so-called ethicists like Peter Singer claim, on what the life can or cannot contribute. All life is from God & thus MUST be respected.
I know I go on a lot. & at times my words are very inadequate to the task I have set before myself to speak out for the "least of Christ's brethren". But, I have learned through events in my own life of how valuable every life is. & that is why I am so passionate about it. I do what little I can & support those who can do more with prayer & financial gifts. Please, please get involved!!!!!
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