The other day I put up a
post about how Elisa Bauer was facing a forced abortion & sterilization because the Washoe County Social Services had gone to court to usurp the decisions made by her legally-appointed guardians, her adoptive parents. The 1st
hearing was Thursday in the Arizona 2nd District Court. Judge Egan Walker, who called for the hearing,had previously appointed a guardian
ad litem for Elisa after learning she was pregnant from her doctors.
Friday morning Attorney Jason Guinasso petitioned the Supreme Court to halt the lower court’s proceedings. He argued that Judge Egan Walker stepped outside the bounds of his authority by seeking to overrule decisions made by her legally-appointed guardians.
Friday evening, the Supreme Court responded, acknowledging the merits of Guinasso’s concerns & questioning the lower court’s authority to intervene in decisions made by Elisa’s guardians without first seeking to have their guardianship legally revoked. The Supreme Court has given the 2nd District Court until noon on Monday to respond to Mr. Guinasso’s arguments.
Guinasso said that he was encouraged by the Court’s unusually quick response. “We are very pleased the Nevada Supreme court has taken this matter up, and is forcing someone to address whether the District Court have the legal authority to conduct these rogue proceedings.” He added “We are also pleased that the Nevada Supreme Court has recognized the merits of our position that the District Court does not have that authority [to overrule the wishes of Elisa’s duly appointed guardians].”
A ruling from the Supreme Court may come as soon as Monday afternoon.
It is impossible to predict how this will play out. The Supreme Court could rule the Judge has no authority to intervene. Or it could simply require a hearing to revoke her parents guardianship. Or, worst case, it could give the go-ahead for the hearing to continue. But, IMHO, that last option seems to be the least likely. & even if it comes about, then there is still another appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court.
Please keep praying for the courts to rule in favor of her parents & life. This isn't over yet.
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