As I said Sunday nite, I am mostly relieved that bin Laden is dead. & I am glad we no longer have to worry about him. However:
The bin Laden is burning in hell, let's dance in the street attitude of many leaves me molto infelice. Jesus told us to love our enemies, not hate them. & many of these reactions sure reek of hatred, hatred & unforgiveness.
Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the director of the Vatican press office, pointed out in a statement issued Tuesday that “Osama bin Laden, as we all know, bore the most serious responsibility for spreading divisions and hatred among populations, causing the deaths of innumerable people, and manipulating religions to this end.” But that doesn't justify the reaction of some, espcially those claiming to be Christian, As Fr. Lombardi went on to say: "a Christian never takes pleasure from the fact of a man's death." He also went on to add that he hoped the event wouldn't "become another occasion to disseminate hate." & while that does apply to bin Laden's followers, it also applies to us Christians. We must forgive him for what he did. We have no other option.
Yes, the reaction of some of his followers will be to retaliate. But their hatred doesn't justify it on our part. No it is not easy to forgive. But we must. That doesn't mean we don't work to bring those to justice who were behind 9-11 or other terrosrist acts. In fact justice demands it. But God's mercy also demands mercy on our part towards those who wrong us.
But there is 1 other thing we must do as well, pray for his soul.
Fr. Erik Richtsteig put it this way. He said it was a "
Distasteful Task, praying for Bin Laden's soul. Not something I want to do. Not something I think will do any good. But, on the off chance it will, it is something I must do."
I know for some who want to dance & shout, who want to vent their hate, etc, will not be happy with this. But I would rather follow what Jesus said in dealing with enemies rather than putting my soul at risk for hating them & refusing to forgive them. For those of you who aren't happy I leave you with this. Think about how you are reacting the next time you pray the Our Father & get to this line: "Forgives us our tresspasses (sins, wrongs) as we forgive our tresspassers (those who sin against us, wrong us)." Your attitude & reaction about ben Laden is the way you are asking God to treat you.
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