About Me
- Name: Al
- Location: Dubuque, Iowa, United States
Sono Italiano-americano. I am a member of St Joseph the Worker Roman Catholic Church. I am an advisor to Alpha Phi Omega & College Republicans at Loras College. I am a member of the Dubuque Co. Republican Central Committee. I have been involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement since 1974. For me the overriding issue of the day is defending the preborn & upholding their right to life. If we don't value life before birth, we devalue it after birth. Life is a gift from God. This is why I am a supporter of the work that Dubuque County Right to Life does in my area. & that is why I am politically active. Our nation's laws need to be changed to protect all from conception to natural death.

Previous Posts
- Fr. Corapi - Preparing for Christmas
- Is America Satanophobic??????
- As Bad As Things Are With the USCCB & the CCCB It ...
- Unless You Are Anti-gun, I Don't Think This Is a Fail
- Pro-Life Pioneers Home Attacked
- Getting the Message Out IN Milwaukee ABout How Abo...
- Dissident Group Shows Its Hatred for God & Truth B...
- & the WikiLeaks Go On
- Des Moines Bishop Pates Leading Charge to Keep Lat...
- The Theology of Treason
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At 5/12/10 12:51 AM ,
TH2 said...
This is hilarious... Lil Jon. You should do more of these.
At 5/12/10 2:06 AM ,
Al said...
Can't take credit, got this from Patriot Post. But for some reason, the link doesn't show up when it is a part of the whole set of posts. But it does when it is by itself. Will try to correct it.
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