Thomas Peters is reporting over at his
American Papist site that what he rightly describes as the latest Catholyc astoturf group “
Catholics for Equality” has declared all out war on authentic Catholic teaching & is using what can only be described as despicable tactics to do so.
Peters shares how Aniello Alioto, one of their founding members, plans to go about doing this. He shares this part of Alioto's strategy: "One of the most interesting aspects of this campaign is our understanding that we don’t need the consent of our hierarchy to effectively mobilize our fellow pro-equality parishioners inside our churches. This Christmas we will be rolling out the Catholics for Equality line of smartphone apps, which will allow supporters to connect with each other while they’re sitting in the pews or attending an after-church social. The apps will also allow them to report hostile activity in their parish or make a special contribution to the campaign as the Holy Spirit moves them."
Did you get that, they are encouraging their members to spy on & report any priest or Bishop who actually proclaims authentic Catholic teaching about the family or issues related to marriage. & to raise funds while doing so. This is an out & out attempt at silencing by intimidation. It is sick, digusting & shows how evil will stop at nothing to stop the truth from getting out.
When I read the bit about making a contribution under the lead of the Holy Spirit, my 1st thought was, any spirit leading them to do so won't be the Holy Spirit but a demonic one. I agree wholeheartedly with Peters when he says that he considers " the claim that the Holy Spirit will move Catholics to fund at Mass organizations explicitly set against our priests and bishops to be blasphemous and offensive; a sin against the Holy Spirit, in fact."
I recomend you read the whole post at the link below. Peters provides links to document what he reports. He also has more background on the group as well as some ideas for what the response should be, including from Cardinal Wuerl.
But I will share 1 last bit from the post that will help all of you to understand what is going on. "
For those of you who want to put together the pieces, Alioto is the Political Director for Progress Now, a George Soros-funded progressive organization. This places Catholics For Equality firmly in the family of catholyc astroturf organizations bent on undermining the Church’s identity and traditional teaching, turning Catholics against Catholic." (emphasis mine) Yes, pro-abortion radical leftist George Soros is involved. For more on Soros & his attempts to undermine the Catholic Church go
At 2/12/10 4:16 AM ,
Left-footer said...
As my son said when studying cancer, "The Devil's a clever b*****d."
There is a cancer in the Church.
At 2/12/10 8:54 AM ,
Teresa said...
This is outrageous!! We must continue to fight the heretics and dissenters of Truth of Church Teachings and set the record straight. We are fighting the devil within. Thanks for posting this. God bless.
At 3/12/10 2:20 AM ,
Left-footer said...
Teresa, of course we must, especially when they are public figures, like the Blairs, or clergy.
At 3/12/10 2:35 AM ,
Al said...
Satan has been attempting to destroy the Catholic Church from within as well as withput for 2000 years.
Cancer is a good way to describe groups & individuals like this. The cancer can only be stopped by the Truth being proclaimed.
Modern technology may have made it easier for them to get their message out, but we can & must use that same technology, although not during Mass as they are, to proclaim the truth.
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