Is Anybody There?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says Yahweh Sabaoth" Zach 4:6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dio di Signore, nella Sua volontà è nostra pace!" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin 1759

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Planned Parenthood - Pushing Abortion Not Adoption

The other day when I was talking about the merger of 2 Iowa Planned Parenthood affiliates, I mentioned their claim that part of their expanded services being added by PPH was adoption services. Something that from what I see, not of the Iowa PP sites currently offers. Yet the national PP likes to brag that they promote adoption. (At least in this year's report they do admit that it is only selected affiliates that offer adoption, something they don't usually admit.) The truth is completely different. they push abortion, not adoption. Interestingly, the finally released 2008-2009 Annual Report doesn't mention any numbers for abortion or adoption.
But a factsheet released by PPFA in September shows some interesting facts about how PP really operates. & that the expanded adoption services claim for Iowa is just a cover to make them look good while ignoring the reality of how PP actually operates. & here in Iowa it is also an attempt to distract attention from their telemed abortion scheme.
That factsheet showed that in 2008 PP performed 324,008 abortions. That is a 6.1% increase over the 305,310 abortions done by PP in 2007. Also, in 2008 the number of prenatal clients was 9,433 & the number of adoption referrals to other agencies was 2,405. The number of adoptions in 2007 was 4,912. PPFA also had 10,914 prenatal clients. Adoptions are down by more than half from 2007 to 2008. Pre-natal clients dropped by about 1500 over the same period. So we see the number of abortions went up & the number of adoptions & pre-natal clients went down. Not the results you would expect to see if PP was actually pushing adoption as much as they claim. For every adoption PP did 134.7 abortions. Again, not exactly showing a huge push for adoption. & I am willing to bet the only reason it did as many adoption referals as it did was because not all PP sites that offer adoption referals currently offer abortion on site. On the other hand, all the sites that don't offer adoption referals (as well as those that do offer them) do offer abortion referal. More evidence or PP's real priorities.

(Note: I suspect the 2007 number for adoptions was an aberation as the number of adoption referals in 2006 was 2,410)

Another interesting fact is that over the last 10 years both the amount PP gets from various levels of government as well as the number of abortions has increased. In 1997, PP did about 160,000 abortions & received approximately $160 million in total taxpayer funding. 2008-2009 saw PP getting $363 million & as already pointed out, doing 305,310 abortions. As you will notice from the chart LifeNews had with their article the number of government dollars & abortions followed a very similar increse. this despite the fact that a large amount of the government funds was to reduce unwanted pregnancies & thus reduce abortions.

PP got about 1/3 of its money from taxpayers. 28% came from private donations & 37% came from its abortion centers. So what is PP using its tax money for if it isn't decreasing the number of pregnancies & abortions like they are supposed to?

- “comprehensive reproductive health care as part of health care reform” In other words, lobbying the government with government money to ensure that ObamaCare paid for abortions.

- At the same time lobbying to prevent laws that would protect doctors, nurses, & pharmacists opposed in conscience to abortion & contraception from having to provide them .

- “increase government funding for family planning programs” Yes, the same programs that have, as we already saw, done nothing to decrease unwanted pregnancy but have helped increase the number of abortions.

- PP affiliates undertook more than 80 research projects on such subjects as…advances in abortion service delivery.

- PP used “security grants” to “upgrade” the “video surveillance” at several abortion centers. Those upgrades now allow the "staff of local PP health centers to view, off-site or on-site, activities by opponents of legal abortion inside & outside buildings.”*

- They brag about working with Obama to "protect women’s health and promote sexual and reproductive rights around the world, including overturning the global gag rule [Mexico City Policy] and restoring U.S. reproductive health and safe motherhood funding to the United Nations Population Fund [UNFPA],” the report said. “We also began work on removing abstinence-only requirements in overseas AIDS funding and increase U.S. foreign assistance for reproductive health, including $1 billion for family planning.”

- Among their activities to push abortion overseas: "In Kenya, we worked with advocates who developed a grassroots campaign to increase public support for [abortion].” In Latin American & the Caribbean, they “offered training for health center security and tracking groups hostile to”* abortion. & in Nigeria they helped abortion advocates overcome objections from religious groups. All with taxpayer funds.

Then there is this claim in the report that shows how they twist the facts & try to downplay their promoting of abortion: "For the three million patients our doctors and nurses saw, we provided contraception (36 percent of our total services), testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (31 percent), cancer screening and prevention (17 percent), and abortion services (three percent). In all, we helped prevent roughly 621,000 unintended pregnancies."
1st of all they won't admit it, but based on the above statistics well over half of the "roughly 621,000" unintended pregnancies they prevented were actually not prevented but ended via abortion. & what do they mean by roughly??? Given that they cannot be sure that any contraception they gave out actually prevented pregnancy, that number has to have been pulled out of thin air. & given that many of the contraceptives they give out, like the pill, are also abortefaceants, a lot more of the "roughly 621,000" unintended pregnancies were likely abortions, not prevented pregnancies.
Next question to raise, how many of the same women who had an abortion are counted multiple times under the other services to make it look like abortions were provided for only 3% of those coming to PP? For example, when a woman comes in for an abortion she is given a pregnancy test, which is counted seperately, making 2 patients out of what is actually 1. If that same woman had been in earlier for the pill she is counted a 3rd time (or more if she was there multiple times) & that is only part of how they inflate those numbers.

I have to admit that there were times in going through the latest report where I was on the verge of getting sick from how proud PP is about its twisted & perverted agenda. For example, they brag about giving an award named after Margaret Sanger who was known for her eugenics & racist agenda against blacks, Southern Europeans (including my ancestors from Southern Italia) & others who didn't fit into her idea of human. It is also clear that Obama is in their back pocket because of how they are crowing about his election. Then there is their dedication of the report to the memory of late-term unborn baby murderer George Tiller. Yes, it was wrong for that wacko to kill Tiller, but that doesn't make Tiller a hero either. Mass murderes like him never are heroes except to other mass murderers, like PP. Finally, several of the pictures make it clear that PP's agenda includes corrupted the morality of our children under the guise of sex ed. & the fact that 1 picture has a teen girl wearing a cross shows how they are willing to mock Christianity as well. I won't go into how disgusting some of the other pictures are.

Hopefully this misuse of our money by PP may be nearing the end. The omnibus spending bill that would have given PP more huge government handouts (over $1 Billion to PP & aother abortion promoters) went down in flames this week. In the new Congress that starts next month, Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) will be chairing the House Energy & Commerce committee’s subcommittee on health. Pence has introduced The Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act (H.R. 614) with bipartisan support. It is likely that this subcommittee with be the start of the efforts to defund PP next year.
Whatever lies ahead, you can be sure PP will push long & hard to ensure that they get the government subsidies that keep them running.

* Is it just me, but is there good cause for us in the Pro-life movement to be concerned about our freedom. When you add these things in the report to the recent FBI Training that labeled Pro-lifers as violent as well as last years domestic terrorism report that listed Pro-lifers among those to watch, it sure looks like we are being targetted.

Sources: Planned Parenthood reports: abortions up, adoptions down, business is good
Planned Parenthood Gets $363M in Tax Money, Abortions Rise

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  • At 19/12/10 3:04 PM , Blogger Mirah Riben said...

    Why should ANY "choice" be "PUSHED"? Why aren't expectant mothers simply asked what they want and need to safely raise and care for the child they are expecting???

    Why are women asked to chose between the devil and the deep blue sea and not provided services like affordable day care so they don't have lose their child either by pregnancy termination or adoption? BOTH are a tragic loss!!

    Both are permanent solutions for temporary problems.

  • At 19/12/10 3:09 PM , Blogger TH2 said...

    When the FBI ascribe pro-lifers as "domestic terrorists" - do you think this due more so (specifically) to the Obama administration, or is it an attitude/philosophy that has developed over decades via the influence of groups like PPH? Or a combination, in that Barry's radical pro-abortion view has "sped things up", so to speak?

  • At 20/12/10 12:08 AM , Blogger Al said...

    Mirah, not all women are able to care for their children & adoption IS the best option. But, it is a myth to think that pro-lifers push only adoption. Crisis pregnancy ceters help the woman either way. many of them are providing parenting skills training so the woman can keep the child.

    TH2 all of the above.


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