Off with their heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least that is what I suspect this poor cat is thinking.
Let me start by saying that like Papa Benedetto I am a cat person. I love cats. That having been said, the next think I must say is I consider this to be cruelty to animals. I think I am safe in saying that Papa Benedetto would be just as aghast at this "Cat"astrophic abuse of cats as I am. & if anyone tried to do this to his beloved
Chico I can guarentee you that he would automaticly excommuni"cat" that person.
I checked out the pictures of the poor victims. & except for the few who decided this was a good time for a nap to forget the indignitites they were being forced to undergo, I don't think I saw a happy face in the bunch as these examples will show:
"Will someone please pass the catnip so I can at least look like I am enjoying this party?"
"If I hear 1 more Carmen Mew-randa joke, I'll scratch their eyes out!!!!!"
In fact this poor cat looks like he is ready to put a curse on them for putting him through all this:
I haven't checked the NY papers for the last few days, but I wouldn't be surprized to find out there has been a recent rash of mysterious deaths. If there is the NYPD would do well to check how many of them entered their cats in this show, esp if the people were covered with unexplained claws marks.
As 1 person commented @ Larry's post: "I'm just guessing here, but these people don't have human children, do they?!" & as another person accurately responded; "if any of the owners do have human children, those kids are probably playing second fiddle to the cats." Any bets to the contrary?
At 15/8/10 11:57 PM ,
TH2 said...
I did not know that Poe Benedict liked cats. I always learn stuff here at this blog.
At 16/8/10 12:33 AM ,
Al said...
Yup, he has had a few over the years. During his time at the CDF he was known for his feeding of the stray cats in Rome. There are even some inconfirmed rumors he has 2 in his papal apartment despite Vatican rules to the contrary.
At 17/8/10 12:29 PM ,
Larry Denninger said...
The blog post title is "PURRR"-fect!
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