It seems like today is 1 of those theme days I mentioned in my last post on Louisiana & ultrasounds. Well it turns out that it wasn't the only theme. After I put up my post on Sr. Joan Chittister that I had been working on for a couple days, I began checking some of my favorite bloggers. I got over to LarryD's Acts of the Apostasy. Lo & behold, I discovered that Larry had decided to take a look at Satan's little blueberry muffin latest rantings & ravings in the Non-Catholic Reporter. This time inspired by another subject I recently posted on, the recent LCWR old hen party in Dallas. Now I am not sure if this should be put under the "great minds think alike" column, but I sure could justify it.
Larry does an excellent job of looking at what exactly is wrong with what (as 1 of the commentors on my post described her as) Frankengranny had to say. here is the start of that post. Follow the link for more evidence as to why Sr. Joan is a heretic, a false prophet & a disgrazia to any faithful Benedictine. (& while I have said Larry's forte is humor, he can be just as penetrating & insightful when he approaches a subject seriously. A real Renaissance man!)
Authority And LeadershipI came across this quote of Sr Joan Chittister, taken from her
most recent screed at the National Catholic Distorter, in which she attempts to describe the difference between authority and leadership.
At the crossroads in life, authority goes one direction: back. Authority goes in the direction that's already in the book; the path that has been clearly trod before now, the way that is safe and sure, clear and certain, obedient and approved, applauded and rewarded.
Leadership, on the other hand, rewrites the book. It takes the direction that leads only to the promise of a better tomorrow for everyone however difficult it may be to achieve it now. "The seed," the Zen master teaches, "never sees the flower."Now, this is a rather limited and deficient comparison - but given that it was written in light of the recent LCWR National Assembly, and the ongoing Apostolic Visitation of numerous women religious communities, it fits the template that heterodox individuals and organizations have been following and foisting on the Church for decades.
Labels: Habitless Hussies, LCWR
At 21/8/10 9:19 AM ,
Larry Denninger said...
Al, thanks for linking! And for the kind compliments. Grazie!
At 22/8/10 12:13 AM ,
Al said...
No problemo! In fact if there ever was a heresy trial the prosecution would call on you as an expert witness.
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