Among other things!!!!!*
I came across the following line in the text of the
Presidential Address of Marlene Weisenbeck, FSPA at the 2010 LCWR Assembly. "
Our primal place of relationship with our Creator is where we enter into the evolutionary process of creating our own Word as it is formed in us through Christ."
Note that "Word" is capitalized. This is a direct reference back to John 1 that talks about Jesus as the Word. What they are saying is they are creating their own God, their own version of Jesus made in their image & likeness. They might want to go back & take a remedial lession in theology. Jesus the Word, was NOT created. He was "eternally begotten of the Father" as the Nicene Creed reminds us. & since there is only 1 Word, any attempts of them to "create" their own is, I repeat, their making their own goddess in their own image & likeness, a false god at that.
This is only 1 example of the subtle & not so subtle heresies in that line let alone her entire speech. I won't even go into most of the speech, sufficeth to say that the
Athanasian Creed alone could tear several of her points apart.
She took quotes from Ss. Francesco & Chiara of Assisi, Papa Benedetto, Vatican II & elsewhere so out of context & so spun arround that the whole thing left my head spinning more than Regan's did in The Exorcist. Perhaps 1 of the most bizarre misuse of quotes was 1 she took from an address Carl Anderson (Supreme Knight of the KCs) & "adapted" from his speech to the CMSWR Congress in Washington, D.C. on 11September 2009. Note the word "adapted", that is taken directly from the footnote. In other words, she took Carl Anderson's quote of then Cardinal Ratzinger & twisted it to suit her agenda. all the while making it look like she is honestly representing what was said as well as trying to cloak herself in the orthodoxy & faithfulness of the CMSWR to hide the LCWR rebellion & heresy that is really there.
This should also come as no surprize, in her speech Weisenbeck also made it clear the LCWR "
supported the efforts of the CHA and Network for health care reform," thus claerly coming down as being pro-abortion. She also "hailed the courage of Bishop Kevin Dowling in South Africa". You might remember that in a recent speech he had criticized the Vatican & various Church teachings such as that about not using condoms to prevent AIDS. (
Pro-Condom Bishop Corrected by Southern African Bishops' Conference) In otherwords she also announced that she supports the use of condoms in defience of the clear Magesterial teaching of the Catholic Church. & by her office & the nature of the speech she is making it clear the LCWR is also pro-abortion & in total defiance of the Magesterium.
At another point she quotes well known heretic, Ronald Rolheiser OMI to justify what they are doing. Since TH2 has already done an excellent job of explaining what is wrong with Rolheier I will refer you to his blog. There he fisks two of Rolheiser's columns
here &
here. See also note 33 of his post on Novalis (
NOVALIS PUBLISHERS: DISSEMINATING DISSENT) for more on what is wrong with Rolheiser's relativistic theology.
& this is only her speech. From looking at what I could of the other speeches etc, I can honestly say that her presidential address was echoed throughout the gathering. It was definitely embelmatic of the whole event. The whole gathering had a tone of defiance mixed in with plenty of poisonous New Age gnostic heresies for flavor.
In fact their clearly defiant stance is clear from the opening statement of their Press Release at the conclusion of the gathering: "At a time when Vatican officials are conducting two investigations into the lives of Catholic sisters, approximately 750 members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) met in assembly where discussion of their identity and role in the Catholic church headed the agenda."
The LCWR gang have, IMHO, totally seperated themselves from the Catholic Church & have clearly crossed over into schism & blatent heresy as well. As I said at the start they have declared what they are.* They may see themselves as (false) goddesses recreating an "evolving" "Word" made in their image & likeness, but they have also made it clear they are NOT Catholic in any way, shape or form. Their patrons are people like Arius, Pelagius & Mani not the saints like Chiara, Francesco, Dominic & Katharine Drexel who founded their orders & who would be horrified by what they are doing in their names.
H/T to LarryD @ Acts of the Apostasy for inspiring me to check out what was going on at the latest LCWR coven by 2 of his recent posts, LCWR's New Theme Song & Sr Patricia - Live From Dallas!.
Labels: Habitless Hussies, LCWR
At 17/8/10 12:55 AM ,
TH2 said...
Great job on the LCWR heretical shenanigans. Thank you for the links as well.
At 17/8/10 1:28 AM ,
Al said...
& this is 1 small portion of what went on & I was able to find out about. I could have done a whole book if I had wanted to.
This is all the more proof of the much needed, & dreaded by them for obvious reasons, visitaion/investigation.
Glad to link as well. You did a great job of explaining what was wrong with Rolheiser so I figured why reinvent the wheel.
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