The Growing Harrassment Against Christians
With all due respect to Justice Breyer, where has he been these last three years? This isn't a question of whether conservatives will face harassment but how much. After all, this is a state where militant homosexuals have a long rap sheet of " harassment, intimidation, vandalism, racial scapegoating, blacklisting, angry protests, violence...death threats, and gross expressions of anti-religious bigotry" against locals who vote or donate to pro-marriage causes. In truth, the only video this court should allow are security cameras outside the defendants' homes. Maybe then the country could see what these "agents of tolerance" are really capable of.
The Heritage Foundation's Thomas Messner took a crack at documenting the abuse conservatives took during the 2008 campaign in his "The Price of Prop 8" paper, and it took him 16 pages to outline the assaults on businesses, churches, and individuals. Simply posting "Yes on 8" bumper stickers or yard signs resulted in all kinds of backlash--ranging from trespassers urinating on homes and spray-painting cars to being egged, toilet papered, threatened, vandalized, stalked, and sworn at in the classroom. Others who dared to show up at rallies were punched in the face, hit over the head, forced to resign, or had their pictured plastered on public posters. Of the 25,000 "Yes on 8" signs distributed, at least one-third was destroyed.
Unfortunately, this campaign of intimidation isn't unique to California. The public square isn't any safer for Christians in Maine, Washington, Massachusetts, or anywhere else Americans have a vote on this issue. In any given state, the Left will try to sabotage a person's accreditation, business, career, house of worship, or safety. Are these witnesses right to feel camera shy? You betcha.
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