Sometimes it seems like the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano does more to undermine the teachings of the Church than uphold them. So it is refreshing to see an editorial that lays it on the line about what is wrong with the current push for the "culture of death" agenda that hides under the guise of concern for the environment. Instead of ecocentrism, the editorial calls for reading the Pope's 2010 World Day of Peace message as well as his encyclical 'Caritas in Veritate' & developing a Christocentric approach to the environment.
Do I really expect them to listen to the Pope? NO! No more than I expect the New Age Catholic in Name Only lefties to do so either. & it because they are all guilty as charged in the editorial but don't want to admit it. You will see the Main Stream Media ignore this editorial as well because it shows how they misrepresented both the encyclical & the Pope's message when they came out.
As I have said before, we do have to be good stewards of the environment. But that doesn't mean elevating it above man. & even making it a god as Papa Benedetto said they are doing in the 2010 message. He was very on target to denounce it as pantheistic in its world view.
In ancient days children were sacrificed at the altar of Molech/Baal, a nature god for good crops. You might remember that recently National Post editor-at-large Diane Francis sparked an international controversy when she wrote a column calling for world depopulation based on China's one-child policy. She made those remarks in the context of discussions surrounding the climate change summit in Copenhagen. The one-child policy includes forced abortions & also has led to children being abandoned to die. In other words, she has called on us to sacrifice our children to appease the god of ecocentrism, a modern Molech. (See Canadian MP and Fox TV's Laura Ingraham Rebuke Journalist for ..., More Reaction to Diane Francis Call for Worldwide Implementation ... for more on her comments.)
Francis isn't the only person making this call either. It is being used by many to justify forcing birth control & abortion on the African continent. It enables the PP gang to hid its racist eugenic policy that I have mentioned before. & claim they are just thinking about the welfare of all, not trying to elimnate the minorities that PP founder Sanger targetted.
By John-Henry Westen
COPENHAGEN, December 18, 2009 ( - In a front-page
commentary in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano yesterday, the President of the Vatican Bank took the Copenhagen summit to task over its "nihilism," and consequent emphasis on population control and de-industrialization.
"Nihilistic thought, with its rejection of any objective truth and values causes serious damage when applied to economics," wrote Ettore Gotti Tedeschi. He recalled as an example the "disastrous consequences" of Malthus' argument that population growth causes poverty, as well as the theory that the economy is morally autonomous, which he said has led to an "overly consumerist and materialistic" mentality.
However, he said that, when applied to environmental issues, nihilism produces "even more serious damage." In this case it leads to the attempt "to solve climate problems - where much confusion reigns - through lowering the birth rate and de-industrialization, rather than through the promotion of values that lead the individual to his original dignity."
Tedeschi criticized the Copenhagen climate conference for applying such nihilistic thinking to the environment, an approach that he says causes "more conflicts than solutions."
In the midst of the conflict that is enmeshing the Copenhagen summit - "between rich and poor countries, between scientists and politicians, between different power groups" - it is "not only becoming increasingly difficult to imagine a solution, but it seems difficult to even understand the real problem," said Tedeschi.
This lack of a "strategic vision of the problem" has come about "precisely because of widespread nihilism that leads to the notion that there is no value in human life compared to the supposed centrality of nature" - a concept called 'ecocentrism' which
was denounced by the Pope in his World Day of Peace message.
"The environmentalists do well," he concludes, "to urge greater attention to nature." "But they would do better" to read the Pope's latest encyclical 'Caritas in Veritate' so "they would understand why - but above all for whom - the environment must be respected."
Labels: ClimateGate
At 20/12/09 11:14 AM ,
TH2 said...
Great commentary and analysis. Yes, it also also refreshing to see that (given recent articles) L'Obs. Rom. publish something that is not offensive/antagonistic to orthodox Catholic teaching.
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