I'm refering to what is in the latest version of what is being called health care reform by the Democrats & Obama but is actually their attempt to enshrine the "culture of death" as the standard for American health care. & having the Federal government running the show as well.
As articles at both LifeNews & LifeSiteNews make it clear, Nancy Pelosi's latest version includes the "death panels". IMHO this tears down any last shred of her being able to claim she is a faithful practicing Catholic. If practice makes perfect then she sure isn't practicing.
Section 240 of H.R. 3962 "Affordable Health Care for America Act" requires insurance companies offering a "qualified health benefits plan" to “provide for the dissemination of information related to end-of-life planning to individuals seeking enrollment in Exchange-participating health benefits plans offered through the Exchange” and shall present “(A) the option to establish advanced directives and physician’s orders for life sustaining treatment according to the laws of the State in which the individual resides; and (B) information related to other planning tools.”to enrolled individuals.
The section stipulates that advance directives "shall not promote suicide, assisted suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing," but none of the terms are defined in the bill. That leaves it wide open for finding loopholes you could drive a semi through. In Washington and Oregon (and possibly soon in Montana) where assisted suicides are legal state law uses terms like "physician-assisted death" or "physician aid in dying" or"death with dignity". The law says that these legal terms in those states for assisted suicide, do not actually constitute assisted suicide.
It also has similar wording for Medicare requirements.
If you have not already contacted your representatives in Congress I urge you to do so immediately. I have already done so several times over the last few weeks. Let them know that this is not acceptable. If you are not sure where to send the messages or what to say go to
www.usccb.org/action. There you will be able to get a message sent to your Senators as well as House member from your district.
We also need to keep praying. Without that we cannot expect our efforts to suceed.
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