I §5 The Catechism of the Catholic Church is the authoritative expression of the Catholic faith professed by members of the Ordinariate.
Remember how the liberal Catholic In Name Only gang ranted & raved back in the early 90s that we didn't need the Catechism? The reason was because then there would be an up to date standard to check their "Spirit of Vatican II" claims against. & they knew their claims wouldn't hold up against what the Church actually taught. For me, the Catechism, along with the Compendium of Social Doctrine have proven to be powerful weapons in my battle to defend authentic Catholic teaching against the CINO attacks.
It is this same gang that has been up in arms since the Vatican recently announced this constitution to enable Tradtional Anglicans to more easily cross the Tiber & return to the Catholic Church.
Papa Benedetto is taking the next step towards doing what Bishop Nickless of Sioux City IA suggested, exorcising the "false Spirit of Vatican II". Basicly, the set up for Traditional Anglicans is similar to that of the Eastern Catholic Churches.
A couple of quick thoughts.
1: Depending on the size of the country & number of parishes, there may be more than 1 TA Bishop in the territory of a particular Conference of Bishops. The USA is likely to have more than 1. This means more voices to counter those in the USCCB who want to undermine Catholic teaching. While it won't always topt them, it will at least make it more difficult. & as Archbishop Burlke's influence grows in Rome, these lefties will continue to decline in number. (Although I am realistic to know that an occasional stinker will still slip through.)
2: As has been pointed out on so many other blogs, like
Fr. Z's, this is helping to make Papa Benedetto the true Pope of Christian Unity by promoting true ecumenism. IMHO this is also 1 of the buds that show us that a true Springtime for the Church is beginning. There is a lot of cleaning to be done yet, just like the need every year for Spring cleaning, but it is beginning. Since the Catholic Church thinks & operates long term with an eye on eternity, this may take a while. Or God may rush it through. Either way, the latest equivelent of the Arians that are our CINOs are well on their way to joining them on the rubbish heap of history.
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