The green haired grannie at the left is Sister of Charity Louise Akers. OK, I'm not sure if this is here actual hair color or just the way it appeared in the picture accompanying the
article in the NonCatholic Reporter. But, as you will see, it is an appropriate shade anyway.
Why do I mention her? Simple, she has recently been banned by Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk & cannot make any presentations or teaching for credit in any archdiocesan-related institutions. he did so because she refused to publicly disassociate herself from the issue of women’s ordination. At her request, Akers and Pilarczyk met for 30 minutes on 10 August 2009 in his archdiocesan office in Cincinnati. She has refused.
Naturally all the usual suspects have their underwear in a knot. 1 of the comments realyy got me in light of a statement of hers. Quoting the words of Martin Luther at the end of her statement on why she couldn't obey the Archbishop, she said: “Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise.” Compare this to what Fr. Paul Donohue, a member of the Comboni Missionaries. said: “It is mystifying to me that the Archbishop of Cincinnati would ask Sister of Charity Louise Akers to refrain from teaching for credit in the archdiocese. Both the archbishop and Sister Louise love, support, and cherish the Church that upholds the gospel mission and vision of Jesus. Both present what the Church teaches." (Note: This is only the 1st part of the quote. The rest of it turned my stomach way too much to repeat here.)
For lack of a better word to describe what Fr. Donohue said, I will refrain from swearing at this point. But it it clear to me that anyone who sees herself as a modern Martin Luther, spits in the eye of the Pope & does anything but present authentic Catholic teaching. Maybe Fr. Donohue should get a copy of the Catechism of the Church & refresh his memory on what the Church actually teaches.
Not surprizingly she holds a doctorate in feminist theology from the Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Mass. I highly doubt that any Catholic teaching was brought up in her doctorate program except to be ridiculed & attacked. Another non-surprize is the fact that she is coordinator of the Office of Peace, Justice and the Integrity of Creation for her religious community. Any doubts that she is into New Age feminism can be safely put to rest. She has also been associated with NETWORK, a social justice group that claims to be Catholic but worships at the altar of Obama.
Then there is this quote by her: "I love, support and cherish the part of Church that upholds the gospel mission and vision of Jesus.” WT___???? If she did, then she would be a loving obedient bride of Christ who actually supported & taught what the Church teaches & not try to remake Jesus over into her image & likeness.
Another insite into how her mind thinks is how she views the complaints about the presence of her name and photo on the Women’s Ordination Conference web site and her membership on its advisory board. In explaining why she removed her name from the ordination web site, she said she did it in an effort to defuse the “destructive assaults” against her. So now complaints about her lack of orthodoxy are "destructive assaults" huh? Sounds to me like she is taking a page from the Obama playbook of how to describe those who oppose your agenda. & it sounds to me like she is being anything but charitable.
Bravo to Archbishop Pilarczyk for doing the right thing. Rich Leonardi @
10 Reasons suggest that we show our support support for His Excellency by
sending him a brief note.
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