The above picture is from when Pope John Paul II visited to Nicaragua in 1983. The picture is of liberation theologian/priest/Sandanista Minister of Culture, Ernesto Cardenal attempting to kiss his ring.
Time magazine reported:
"When Ernesto Cardenal Martinez, a Roman Catholic priest who also serves as Minister of Culture in Nicaragua's Marxist government, knelt to receive the Pope's blessing, John Paul wagged his finger in Cardenal's face and chided him, "You must straighten out your position with the church."
At the end of the post he says: "And I recall with both pleasure and pain the image of John Paul II shaking his finger at the beret-wearing, Nicaraguan leftist heretic, Ernesto Cardenal. It’s a pleasant image made painful by my inability to recall any American Catholic priest, bishop, archbishop, or cardinal ever publicly scolding Ted Kennedy."
Part of what Miner discusses in his article is the example Kennedy & other cafeteria Catholics in public office gave. "(W)hen I think of Edward M. Kennedy and his legacy, I picture him as the chef de cuisine of cafeteria Catholics everywhere. He was the man most responsible for cooking up, sometimes abetted by clerical sous chefs, the corned beef and cabbage that is served, steaming in over-seasoned political broth, as American Catholicism. His sins were scarlet, but are past. The scandal, however, lives on."
At 6/9/09 4:36 PM ,
TH2 said...
I have seen the video of this as well. PJPII was not happy at all.
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