Will the Iowa Flag Be Next???? Or the Iowa State Seal*
If you happen to see any New Hampshire license plates on the road, please report them at flag@whitehouse.gov. The state motto "Live Free or Die" qualifies as "fishy":
A Telegraph reader's online criticism of President Barack Obama that invoked New Hampshire's "Live Free or Die" motto had the Nashua man unexpectedly dealing with the Secret Service.
The man, who posted his comments Wednesday under the username NashuaDan, wrote that Obama's events are often orchestrated and that the president's upcoming Town Hall meeting in Portsmouth could be more of the same.
"I hope NH is better than letting this guy off the hook. Let Obama know what 'Live Free or Die' means (hint: it isn't reckless TAXING and SPENDING). Otherwise, Portsmouth will just be another glorified photo-op for the Socialist-in-Chief," he wrote below a news brief announcing the president's Seacoast visit Tuesday.
On Thursday morning, NashuaDan found himself on the phone with a Secret Service agent, explaining that his remarks were only philosophical and not intended to threaten Obama, he said. …
NashuaDan said that by invoking the state motto, he intended only to remind readers of what New Hampshire stands for.
"Small government, limited taxation, and to live our lives without interference," he said. "I didn't think anyone would interpret that as a threat."
On the contrary, nothing could be more threatening to our current rulers. Another commenter boasted with glee about having turned NashuaDan in to the Feds.

At 12/8/09 12:10 PM ,
Robert Simms said...
I had no idea what was on the Iowa flag or state seal. So, I went to the iowa.gov website.....foolishly thinking I would find them there.
I had to go to wikipedia see see the flag and seal.
(to be fair, I went to georgia.gov and couldn't find our flag or seal there either)
At 13/8/09 10:58 PM ,
Al said...
The link I had was from the Iowa legislature website. I guess whoever did the official website figured that would be good enough.
This shows how sad things are when states don't make it easy to find out the basic symbols of the state are.
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