When George W. Bush was in office pictures like this were OK & often applauded by those on the left:

But the same people are now up in arms about this picture:

In their minds free speech, esp if it is political, is only free if you agree with them. It also proves they can dish it out but they sure can't take it. Actually this is nothing new. They acted the same way about Clinton jokes back in the 90s.
Bobby Eberle said in the article I got these from: "
If there's one thing about liberals, it's that they're predictably predictable. In their eyes, it is more than acceptable to mock Sarah Palin and her family, using descriptions that range from rude to crude. When President Bush was in office, he was the focus of daily ridicule from left-wing journalists and bloggers.
However, no one better make fun of Barack Obama or the thought police will express "outrage" and brand you a racist. That's exactly what is happening now as a poster of Obama in "Joker" makeup is popping up on walls and city streets. My question to the lefties: Why so serious?"
I am an equal opportunity laugher. I enjoy political satire whether aimed at Dems or Republicans. 1 of my favorite impressionists back in the late 60s, early 70s was David Frye. He speared LBJ just as equally as he did Nixon or Humphrey. & he even made fun of Teddy Kennedy & Chappaquiddick. No way could he do that today with the leftist thought police. & a modern Vaughn Meader could never be able to do a 2009 version of "The First Family". (It was about JFK & bhe appeared on it when Rich Little did a Reagan sequel "The First Family Rides Again".) Yes, there are some limits, but this poster doesn't cross that if the Bush 1 didn't.
We have a 250+ year history of political satire. Satire that is protected by the 1st Amendment. The spoof of Obama is not racist, it is following in this tradition. If the leftist thought police get their way we will see another piece torn out of the 1st Amendment.
Then there is this one that has some people up in arms, explain to me why Obama as a witch doctor is wrong, but showing Bush as 1 is OK?
Source: Two Witch Doctors.
I have come to the conclusion that anyone that says anything negative about Obama will be called racist, not because it is, but because those who don't want any criticism will use that to try & silence their opponants.
Those of us who oppose Obama's stands & use satire don't see him as black, just the president. & if it was OK for a past preident, it is OK for this 1.
The only ones who see & judge Obama by the color of his skin are those on the left trying to silence us who are speaking out against his agenda.
At 14/8/09 10:44 AM ,
Jim Carroll, CRNA said...
I just heard a very astute comment that says it all. Adam Curry, commenting during the podcast "No Agenda" (noagenda.mevio.com) pointed out that, back in the 60s, people drove around with "Question Authority" bumper stickers on their VWs.
These people have ascended to the seats of power, and now they ARE authority, and now they are NOT to be questioned.
Obviously, nobody made them read "Animal Farm" in college, and, if they did read it, cannabis inflicted selective recall.
All animals are equal. Some animals are more equal than others.
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