Watching some of the SEIU tactics on this video reminds me of how I have seen abortion supporters behave when I was in a peaceful pro-life march down in Iowa City several years ago. It also reminds me of how I have been treated 1 time when I was peacefully protesting in front of the local Planned Parenthood, although no violence other than verbal.
Over the last few weeks I have dug out & been rereading the biographies of John Adams that I own. The more I read about how things were in mid 1700s colonial America, how King George & Parliament acted, the more like I feel we are in a modern version of that combined with the above fascist tactics.
But, just like back then, there are plenty of us who are just as fed up as John & Sam Adams, George Washington, Ben Franklin etc, were. Some of us are writing, like John Adams, some are organizing protests like Sam Adams, some are doing what they can politically. At times there was call for prayer & repentance to ensure the blessings of God on their efforts. We are seeing the same today. & like then, many of us are doing them all. Just like back then, we may not agree on tactics, speed or some other details, but we all agree that we must fight for life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness that are the unalienable rights endowed us by our Creator. & that we must see that those rights are afforded to all, born & unborn.
My maternal grandparents & great grandparents came over from Italia for those rights. They came over here for the opportunity at a better life. They didn't come over here looking for an oppresive government like we have these days. In looking at some of what is going on today I am also reminded of a story a great uncle of mine once told me. This was pre-WW @ Fascist Italia. He had gone back to Italia to try & get some money my great grandfather Frank had left in a bank account. He never got the money. In fact, even though he was an American citizen, he had to leave before the Italiano government drafted him. The Italiano government didn't care about his rights, just what they wanted. Sound familiar?
Obama et al need to realize that in the end they are on the wrong side of history. Stalin was, Hilter & Il Duce were, King George was, those supporting slavery were. & those who support abortion, the socialist govenment Obama is trying to suppose & all the other attacks on our liberty may have some power now, but in the long run they will end up being seen by history the way the others I listed were.
We must keep fighting. & we will as long as we need to!
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