1 of the assumptions that people make is that latex is impervious & that is why it works as a barrier for AIDS. The truth is different. Condoms may reduce the chance, but they don't eliminate it.
Before I go any further, I want to point out another fact. That condoms have a 10-18% pregnancy rate. That means 10 to 18 times out of each 100 uses of a condom the woman still gets pregnant. & that is the known failure rate. The actually failure percentage is probably higher.
& it can be logicly assumed that the failure rate occurs even in situations where there is no chance of pregnancy (gay sex). Thus, just based on failure rate alone, condoms don't exactly provide the safety it is supposed to.
But there is 1 fact ignored that shows that condoms never provides real protection. Latex condoms have naturally occuring holes (voids) of 1-5 microns. Since a sperm is 50 microns in size these holes are not a problem. But the HIV (AIDS) rhinovirus is only 0.1 microns in diameter. Thus these holes provide a superhighway for the virus to travel.
Anyone who doubts the exixtance of these holes & that it could happen should remember what happens when you inflate a rubber (latex) baloon. It eventually loses air through those holes.
& the more a condom is used the more the odds are of exposure to HIV despite the use or through failure is increased.
The reality is, what Papa Benedetto said in reiterating Catholic teaching about abstinance, is the way to go, not more condoms.
At 14/8/12 5:03 PM ,
ehayes2006 said...
What you say is absolutely true. Ask any Cop, particularly vice cops and detectives, Doctor, or forensic pathologist. A male reproductive cell is a basketball, a virus is a bb. Pregnancy rate for a female having unprotected sex regularly is about 20%. With condoms, that goes down to 10%. What does that tell you? FIFTY PERCENT OF CONDOMS DON'T EVEN STOP MALE REPRODUCTIVE CELLS. How the heck can they stop a virus? Answer: they can't. The Government, WHO, and all of them lie. They want people to feel protected and not panic, so they throw out this myth that condoms provide protection. Hogwash.
At 2/12/12 8:51 PM ,
applescruff said...
this is seriously the stupidest thing i've ever seen. how can someone be so ignorant? and condoms are actually 97% effective at preventing pregnancy. also condoms have been proven to prevent the spread of AIDS- it is true that they may break or slip off, but the virus doesn't get through "tiny holes", that's absurd.
furthermore, the teaching of abstinence in many african countries is ineffective in preventing the spread of AIDS because that's simply not in their culture. it's easy for you, a white westerner with no cultural context, to assert that others should follow your particular belief system, but in reality it simply doesn't work that way. many african groups have been practicing their particular sets of morals long before jesus was even born.
if "The Government" and the WHO wanted to avoid panic, they too would advocate for abstinence. you are an ill-informed pawn of the catholic church, who's been manipulating people since Constantine decided he was Christian. Roman Senators, unwilling to let go of their bureaucratic powers and embrace the Christian ideal of equality before God, formed the Church around their existing structure rather than submitting to what the Bible actually says.
At 3/12/12 3:24 PM ,
Al said...
1st of all I won't reply to your insults except to say that once again it proves that when someone knows they can't counter with fatc resort to insults & putdowns.
Which leads me to facts.
Fact: According to the Dept of Health & Human Services website "Of 100 couples who use this method each year, from 11-16 will likely get pregnant."
That isn't 97% effective by any stretch of the imagination.
Then there is this from the FDA on how effective condoms are in preventing AIDS: "Will a condom guarantee I won't get a sexually transmitted disease?
No. There's no absolute guarantee even when you use a condom. But most experts believe that the risk of getting HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases can be greatly reduced if a condom is used properly.
In other words, sex with condoms isn't totally "safe sex," but it is "less risky" sex."
Less risky is a lot different preventing something as absolutely as you claim.
Add to that the statement that most, not all experts make the claim risk is greatly reduced. That means that there are experts who don't think it does, like the source I quoted, & that the FDA recognizes they have a valid claim.
Maybe rather than making hatefilled attacks on me & the Catholic Church you might do better to tell the truth.
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