You know Al,The atrocious evil of abortion has be going on for so long now, so many lives rendered as nil, that I often wonder if/when some kind of Divine retribution will occur. You aren't the only 1 who wonders how much longer this can go on before we finally reap the whirlwind as the Bible tells us we will. No matter what argumentation/facts are presented to pro-abortionists, there is that steadfast defiance, a total negation of life and God. Good description of their mindset. What is worse is that so many are lukewarm on the issue and think it is not a matter of ultimate importance. Even sadder. And no matter how diligently pro-lifers peacefully and brilliantly work to end abortion, nothing much seems to be done in government policy, whether locally or internationally. And I despise the label of being an "extremist" because I am pro-life. When you redefine the extreme left as centrist then we get pushed so far to the right on their revisionist scale that by that scale we are extreme. Extreme is not being in line with God's way. We are right at the heart of what God wants. That puts us smack in the center. Anyone who strays from God's will is the true extremist. The ultimate result is maintaining this extremism will be eternity in Hell. I see no evidence in society that things are going to change anytime soon, especially since that debonair nihilist became your president (TH2 is a Canuck). Not that I am losing hope (though hope is hard to come by these days for me), Given what I read about what is going on up there, I can't say as I fault you for struggling to have hope. It is hard down here as well. I can see no other alternative that direct divine intervention - How the Lord will effect this, and if so in the current era - I have no idea. Really, it requires prayer, patience, and likely, time... But how much time?
Your last line about prayer & patience is right on the mark. It is hard though to be patience. There are times when the words of the Psalmist "How long O Lord" are all I can pray. I have to remind myself that God is merciful as well as just. & it is His Mercy that is the only explanation for His holding back the justice our society so richly deserves. & I feel that it is only because of our prayers & efforts that He is doing so.
But someday, if things don't change (the mystery of free will versus God's changing hearts etc operating) then God will have no choice but to remove His protecting hand & let our society reap what it has sown.
We are already seeing some of the 1st signs that we are beginning that harvest. Her in the US we are seing that in the Social Security crisis. With so many dead before even having a chance to live & work, the money that should be going into SS isn't there. But you won't here that come up in the discussion.
Our health care crisis is another example. As is our financial meltdown.
Then there is the title of the post that basicly asks "what might have been?" What great scientific discoveries are lost because the 1 ment to find them was murdered by abortion? What new medicine or medical proceedure like a cure for cancer did we miss out on? With Roe v Wade & Doe v Bolton having reached the 35 year mark, have we lost the person who would have been the president or prime minister that would have provided us with needed leadership that is not there due to abortion?
The empty maternity ward is emblematic of the greater emptiness in our society today. & while it would be so easy to give up hope, we must not lose it. Instead we need to continue to pray & speak out, even at the cost of our lives. We must keep calling people to repent of the "culture of death" & return to God.
Yes, our society may have to face a period of chastisement, or even totally collapse. But we need to keep proclaiming Jesus & his Gospel of Life. Sadly, even the worst chastisement won't make everyone turn to God (again the mystery of free will). Whether they do or don't isn't in our control. Or job is to keep going on in the work God has called us to.
At 19/6/09 7:48 PM ,
TH2 said...
Thanks for posting my comment. And, more thankfully, for your insightful commentary on my observations. Al, I can tell that you are an extremely level-headed and intelligent person. Keep up with your great postings.
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