In my
post yesterday on Tiller's murder I wrote the following: "
The truth won't stop the Pro-aborts from once again painting the entire Pro-Life movement as violent & dangerous." I wrote that Roeder's motives wouldn't matter, just they would make Tiller a martyr & use his death as "
an opportunity to do more to villify & silence the Pro-life movement."
If all you do is look below at the titles of the articles I am using for resources you will see how right I am. The Por-Life movement has been painted as dangerous. The movement are labelled as "terrorists". & that means there is a need for the Federal Governement to protect abortion providers. This despite the fact that (as I also
pointed out yesterday) the last death was 11 years ago.
As Jill Stanek
told U.S. News and World Report:
Already we've seen the pro-abortion movement try to exploit this, which is not a surprise..
[President Obama's chief of staff] Rahm Emanuel is famous for saying, 'Never let a crisis go wasted' and already we're seeing talk of the Justice Department and [Attorney General] Eric Holder calling in forces to protect the abortion forces and clinics, and we're going to see moves to attempt to stifle free speech. It now falls to the pro-life movement to protect the First Amendment."
& that is exactly what they are doing. they are calling terms like "baby killer", which is exactly what an abortionist is, incindiary, inflamitory, hate-filled. They are trying to stop us from telling the truth. But it is OK for them to label us as "domestic terrorists, etc. Words that are definitely incindiary. & definitely not true. But it OK for them to use those tactics on us. Tactics that the Pro-life movement does not use.
National Organization for Women cited "a string of murders in the service of the anti-abortion cause." STRING??????????? I repeat what I said before, this is the 1st in 11 years & the total of deaths over the years comes to 8. Not exactly a string. But as I also said, they won't let the truth stand in the way of their agenda.
The statement, attributed to NOW President Kim Gandy went on to say: "Bringing the killers to justice is not enough – the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security must root out and prosecute as domestic terrorists and violent racketeers the criminal enterprise that has organized and funded criminal acts for decades. We call on the new attorney general, Eric Holder, and head of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to treat these murders in the same way they would treat politically-motivated domestic terrorism of any other kind and put the full resources of their two departments behind that effort."
Did you notice the use of the term racketeer. NOW was at the forefront of the
attempts to paint the actions of Pro-Life leaders like Joseph Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League as racketeers & tried to have them covicted as such under RICO laws. Never mind that the Supreme Court ruled clearly, & several times that those actions were not. Again, why let the truth stand in the way of getting your agenda accomplished. Esp when you can use the government to do your dirty work for you.
NOW is calling for the same tactics that the Fascists used in Italia, the Nazis (National Socialists) used in Germany, Mao used in China & Stalin, et al used in Communist Russia. I could go on & on. But you get the picture.
Bonnie Erbe, U.S. News and World Report wrote on the magazine's website that "Tiller Murder Is Terrorism, and All Pro-Life Extremists Are to Blame."
"Let George Tiller's murder be the last straw. It is time for America's pro-choice majority to stop standing idly by as extreme so-called pro-life advocates murder obstetrician-gynecologists (OB/GYNs) who are providing women with the legal right to terminate pregnancies." Erbe adding: "I am careful to note I am referring here to EXTREMIST pro-life advocates, people who refer to abortion as 'baby-killing' and other inflammatory rhetoric."
The problem is that she is basicly calling the whole Pro-life movement extremist since every Pro-lifer considers abortion baby killing.
Christina Page, a top bloggers at the pro-abortion web site RH Reality Check: "One can only conclude that like terrorist sleeper cells, these extremists have now been set in motion. Indeed the evidence is already there."
Did you get that? She is putting pro-life advocates in league with the 9-11 terrorists.
By now, anyone who wondered why Janet Napolitano issued the statement a few weeks ago that listed Pro-lifers as potential terrorists should know who's agenda she was forwarding.
Mike Hendricks,
writing for the Kansas City Star: "
the motive for the crime we can all surmise, given the vitriolic rhetoric aimed at Tiller these past couple of decades by anti-abortion activists. And if we’re right about that, then we know the identities of his accomplices."
He goes on to list as "accomplices" to Tiller's murder "everyone who has ever called Tiller's late term abortion clinic a murder mill ... the groups who spent decades fomenting hate toward a man who simply believed that he was serving a purpose by being one of the few doctors in the country performing late-term abortions. Hate. Not heated opposition. Not strong disagreement. But blind hatred. The kind of hate that would prompt some maniac to take a gun into a church and shoot a man to death in front of friends and family."
He adds: "If anyone is in need of salvation now, it’s the anti-abortion movement in Kansas and across the nation. … the bullet that killed George Tiller also shattered the moral underpinnings of the movement that inspired its firing."
For me 1 of the most libelous comment is this by Kansas City Star editorial page columnist Yael T. Abouhalkah: "The outspoken leaders of anti-abortion groups can save their feeble 'we're shocked and saddened' statements. They are privately pleased at George Tiller's murder on Sunday."
"His accomplices know they have blood on their hands," continued Hendricks, "which might explain why they were quick to issue statements today expressing disapproval of Tiller's murder."
That is an out & out lie. There is not a single Pro-Lifer that is pleased, privately or piblicly, about Tiller's murder. It goes against everything we stand for. It accomplishes nothing. & unlike the blood of 3200 + unborn children that is on the hands of those who do & or support abortion in the USA, we do not have the blood of Tiller on ours.
These statements are vitreolic & hateful. Much like what I have seen time & time again from abortion supporters. Everything that they are saying about the Pro-life movement actually applies to them.
This got me to thinking about why they accuse us of being what they actually are. Do they really see us in that way? & all I can come up with is they must.
There are 2 possibilities as to why. The 1st is simply they are projecting their actions onto us.
The 2nd is that even though they won't admit it publicly, they know that the pro-abortion movement is hateful. That it is violent in nature as seen by its actions against the unborn as well as the women who have been harmed physically as well as emotionally by what are supposed to be "safe" abortions. (Again check out the book
Lime 5 for details.) they know that what they are doing is terrorism. So since they are that way, they can't see anyone who opposes them as being any different.
Either way they are seeing in us what is really in them. & they are doing their best to demonize us. Gee, I thought Obama called on both sides to stop demonizing. Guess not. Or, as I already pointed out, it isn't demonizing unless the Pro-abortionists call it demonizing. So, they can do & say what they want. We do everything peacefully & legally & we get slandered & libelled.
If it comes out that Roeder is actually mentally ill, that won't stop the Pro-abortion movement from lumping us all together. they will just use that fact to say that the entire Pro-life movement is mentally unbalanced & thus dangerous.
& despite the fact that, as they always do, they claim this will have a chilling effect on women seeking abortion & on doctors being willing to do them, it won't. The fact is, Dr. Leroy Carhart from Nebraska is already stepping in to run Tiller's clinic. For those of you who recognize the name, he was involved in 2 Supreme Court cases,
Stenberg v. Carhart and
Gonzales v. Carhart, that resulted in the upholding of the ban on Partial Birth Abortion.
I repeat again that with Tiller's murder we will face stronger & stronger attempts to silence us & stop us in our efforts to stop the horrendous murder of over 3200 unborn children each day. & while it may seem like they are winning, we can't give up. We must redouble our efforts, beginning with prayer. We must be bold in speaking up. We must be bold in telling the truth. Yesterday was the feast of St. Justin, Martyr. Despite threats, despite torture, despite being condemned to death, he refused to renounce his faith. He refused to be silenced in his proclaiming of the Gospel.
We are called to follow his example. We will not be silenced. We will continue to speak, by words & actions. We must if we are to be faithful to God & to His Gospel. We must, because we are on the right side of the issue. We are on God's side. & He has already won the war, even if it seems anything like it at this time.
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