1 of their ministries is to provide a Free Catholic Care Package exclusively to US military personnel, active duty, reserve and retired, and/or a member of his immediate family. (Sounds like I might be eligible as my Father is a retired US Air Force Tec Sgt.) The package is worth $50 & includes CatholicMil's DVD FrontLine Families, In God We Trust CD, Fulton Sheen's Wartime Prayer Book, Rosary Meditations for the Military, Catholic New Testament pocket Bible, holy cards, rosary and more.
They also provide free materials to
Catholic Chaplains as well. All the chaplain has to do is pay shipping charges.
I am putting this up for 2 reasons. Obviously they need financial support to provide their services, so anyone who can should go to their site & donate. This is an excellent way to say thank you to the men & women who have served to keep us free.
But I am doing it for a 2nd & what is the main reason, to get out the word about the organization, esp on this Memorial Day 2009. In addition to the above mentioned materials they also provide many excellent on line resources to help Catholics in the millitary.
As I already pointed out, my Dad served in the USAF (23 years). My maternal grandpa was in the calvary in WWI. I have a friend who is currently in the USAF Reserve. I have many friends who are veterans (including some readers of this blog). I truly appreciate the way they are serving/have served our country.
My reasons for loving my country are rooted in my being of immigrant stock. My maternal grandparents & my maternal grandmother's parents as well, came over here because of the promise of an opportunity for a better life that America offered. (Note I said offered, not automatically guarenteed like some today would have). A huge part of that promise was the freedoms listed in the Declaration of Independence & the Constitution, life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. & while America seems to have lost its way, there are many of us who still believe it can get back on course.
& 1 of the ways is to ensure that we continue to give our military all the support they need, esp the spiritual support an organization like this provides.
Note to Cavey (& others) over at Lair, something I know will make you happy. They are also promoting Ven. Fr.
Vincent Capodanno's cause.
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