What the Health Minister would really ban, teaching what the Catholic Church has taught for 2000 years.
From the Catholic Catechism (emphasis mine):
2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. "
As you will see in reading the article, this plan of his is a blasphemous slap in the face of the Catholic Church. & even more so to God.
Teaching people to respect the inate human dignity found in each person is 1 thing. Teaching them that activities like this are not sin is another. Jesus didn't die on the Cross to make us feel good. He died on the Cross to pay the price for our sins to save us from Hell. But, that requires each of us to repent of our sins. Remember, Jesus started His public life preaching by saying "Repent!" In order to enter the Kingdom of God Jesus made it clear we must seek His forgiveness. But, there was 1 other thing we need to do. As Jesus told many a person during his time on Earth., "Sin no more".
Calling homosexual acts sin is not "homophobic bullying", it is not hateful, cruel or vicious. Telling someone the truth so that he or she might be saved & spend eternity in Heaven rather than Hell is 1 of the most loving, charitable things a person can do. The only bullying is that being done by those who try & silence God's messengers.
I weep for my ancestoral homeland to see how far it has drifted from its Godly heritage as a Catholic Nation & the heart of Christianity.
By Hilary White
ROME, May 20, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Italy's national homosexualist activist group, Arcigay, has announced that the Italian Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare is co-funding a project to promote homosexuality in Italy's schools. The project, "Interventions to prevent the origins of homophobic bullying" will include a national report on "homophobic bullying" to be conducted by Arcigay, and a series of training seminars for school staff and lectures to young people and students.
Materials to be disseminated to schools will include a poster depicting three teenage girls dressed in traditional Catholic school uniforms, with the caption, "She's gay, and we're cool with that."
In Britain, the "homophobic bullying" theme, introduced by the phenomenally successful homosexualist lobby group Stonewall, has been identified by Christian groups as a "key codeword" in the suppression of public opposition to the homosexualist political program.
British schools, including Christian schools, have been instructed by the government to implement programs designed to present homosexuality and the "gay lifestyle" as just one of a variety of forms of normal "sexual expression." In 2007, a British Education Secretary told homosexualist activists that the government is preparing "guidance" to address what was identified as "faith-based homophobic bullying." The government has threatened to "crack down" on religious schools who refuse to implement the programs.
Arcigay's public funding has allowed the group to hire two "facilitators" to work on the project. Dr. Ambra Guarnieri, and Dr. Gabriele Prati, both lesbians, will act as "Training Facilitator" and "Scientific Supervisor" respectively.
Guarnieri said that the goal of the program is to create a situation in which a young homosexual in high school will "hear a talk in his school and his classroom of homosexuality as one of the possibilities of his sexual identity and not as an illness or problem from which he should be freed."
Gabriele Prati, a psychologist at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna, said that "homophobic bullying" is "a largely underestimated phenomenon" and "it is necessary to combat it vigorously."
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