"During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart; that is, My Church."
(Taken from the prayer for the 5th day of the Divine Mercy Novena Jesus asked St. Faustina to pray. The term used by Jesus to describe the group she was to pray for on this day was "heretics and schismatics".)
The above picture is from the latest dress up fantasy by the Poncho Ladies aka Roman Catholic Womenpriests USA. On 19 April 2009 they went through the motions of the Roman Rite ordination of Bishops. I say motions because all their were doing was play acting. For a sacrament to be valid there are 2 things required, the proper form & the proper matter. & this doesn't meet them. I can't speak on how faithful to the form it was (the prayer of ordination), not being there (Ringrazi il dio!) However, I can guarentee you that despite their fantasies to the contrary, the fact that they are all missing a Y chromosome makes validity impossible. Whoever the ordaining Bishop may have been (real or not), since he (assuming it was a validly ordained bishop) didn't lay hands on a man, the matter was not proper in any way, shape or form.
& as a reminder, on 29 May 2008, the Vatican declared that any women who attempt “ordination” or any bishops who attempt to “ordain” women are automatically excommunicated from the Church by their actions. The decree from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was absolute, universal and immediately effective.
& should they ever decide to rejoin the Catholic Church, they will have to renounce any claims that they were validly or licitly ordained. Or to put it in plain English, they will have to admit they were play acting in what was a blasphemous farce.
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