That aside, I am also sure that it was intentional that they began on the 26th of December. Anything that they can do to mock Jesus. & what better than this? Sick, sick, sick, but it is their mindset.
The only question I have about their finally opening is who did they finally find to build the needed multi-family structure?
PP begins abortions at new Sarasota center
Despite the efforts of dedicated pro-lifers in Sarasota, Florida, Planned Parenthood has opened its new abortion facility and did abortions for the first time last Friday – December 26.
PP was met by a group of prolifers who are dedicated to be present whenever babies are scheduled to die. Here are excerpts from a report we received on the activities at the PP killing center:
At least 11 people participated Friday between 9am and noon in the weekly abortion-day Prayer Vigil at Sarasota Planned Parenthood at the new location, 736 Central Avenue, between 7th and 8th streets. A new participant was a fellow in a motorized wheelchair who heard about us that morning at St. Martha. He said his dad had been quite an active pro-lifer.
It was the first abortion day in the new location.The abortionist arrived earlier than usual, around the 9am opening time. Abortions still were done, but likely they were fewer than average. PP client traffic was lower than usual.
Although abortions still were done, the first abortion day at the new facility otherwise went very well from our perspective. The former location was on a little-used side street. Here, more pedestrians and more vehicles come by, thus noticing our pro-life signs. Our presence now is more visible. Most passersby and passing vehicles were supportive. Only a few passing pedestrians made "pro-choice" comments. Our method is to try to be non-confrontational.
The pray-ers generally gathered on the main walk in front of the building. The PP parking lot drive is on a side street, some distance from the main walk. So the pray-ers and signs are not crowded around sidewalk counselors at the incoming drive, as they were at the former location. At least theoretically, an entering client more likely will stop for a single counselor than near a crowd of pray-ers. The entrance and exit drives are the same, so we don't need 2 counselors to cover 2 drives.
PP's regional CEO, was watching the operation at her new location closely. For at least 3 hours, she spent most of her time standing around the entrance or sitting on the entry steps. She didn't interact with the pray-ers, but did nod when greeted. She did talk with a few inside staff or volunteers, and with the few clients who walked in the front entrance. She varied her time: standing watching us, sitting on the steps while working on a pile of papers in her lap, talking on her cell phone. At one point, she got a spray bottle and a roll of paper towels to clean the windows on the entrance door. Later, she did the same at the back entrance door. Not enough help on the holidays, or "pride of ownership"? Is this what the organization pays her more than $100,000 a year for?
At the entrance of this 3-story modern-style green monster (2nd largest PP in the nation) was an easel with a large hand-drawn sign on a paper pad, "Parking in Rear." It wasn't too visible to passing traffic. Considering that millions of dollars went into this structure, a crude sign seemed quite incongruous. Some PP clients parked across the street in a furniture store parking lot. Eventually, a patrolman notified the PP CEO that the store owner doesn't want anyone parking there except his customers.
PP apparently had called police, as if there might be problems. PP's policy appears to be to use police as a means of trying to intimidate pro-lifers. Our people generally didn't act as if they were intimidated. At 2 different times, officers talked with us after speaking with the PP CEO. They told us they found no reason for concern with our group.
Any of our readers who are located near Sarasota are encouraged to contact Jim Styer, Help is needed to bring the message of life to all who pass near the PP killing center.
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