1st of all, given the situation with Blagojevich, anyone with any common sense at all would see Blagojevich asking him or her to fill Obama's Senate seat as the kiss of death politically. But this is Chicago politics, not common sense we are talking about.
OK, I will admit that I would expect that if Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn took over he would appoint a pro-abortion Democrat to replace Obama, so the fact that Burris is pro-abort isn't the whole issue, just part of it.
But if you go back & look at Burris' past as a Illinois elected official, you will see that he fits in perfectly. 2nd Amendment. What 2nd Amendment?, would describe how, as Attorney General, he supported a handgun ban. He helped to organize Chicago's first Gun Turn-in Day, but failed to turn in 1 that he owned. He "forgot".
He also twisted the state's anti-stalking law by claiming it was gender-neutral. Thus, he declared, it could be used to prosecute pro-life advocates who offer information to women outside an abortion center.
& then there is his further watering down of the already weak 1975 "born alive law". "The 1975 law protected only infants the abortion practitioner believed to be "viable."
That subjective view could allow abortion practitioners to leave babies to die following botched abortions despite the medical possibility that they may live if given proper medical care." He signed a
consent decree. "
The decree eviscerated the law further by nullifying the use of key definitions." (
Roland Burris Watered Down Abortion-Infanticide Law Barack Obama Refused to Fix ) It was the attempts to correct this in the Illinois legislature that Obama voted against.
His ego is definitely from Chicago politics. He built a monument to himself in Oak Woods Cemetery on Chicago's South Side. He has "Trail Blazer" on it & it includes a list of his accomplishments, with space left for future ones. (Will that include not being seated in the US Senate?)
Blagojevich still thinks he will get away with his crimes. He won't. By showing his ego & arrogance can rival Blago's, Burris has guarenteed that he will always be tainted by Blago's sins. Even if there isn't 1, the question of "What was the quid pro quo?" will always haunt Burris. I'm not saying there is, but it wouldn't surprize me if there was.
As an aside, Wikipedia has shown its bias in favor of "Chicago politics as usual" by already listing Burris as Obama's replacement despite the fact that the US Senate has made it clear they will reject him. Even with the fact that the Constitution makes it clear that the Senate "shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members." (Article I, Section 5), Wikipedia claims that "it remains unclear if they have the authority to do so.". I'd say it does, but before it is over this may end up in the Courts who may follow their recent ignoring of it.
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