& it isn't a pretty sight.
Recently a document was posted on Obama's transition website. It has a title ment to sound like it is promoting rights instead of promoting death,
Advancing Reproductive Rights and Health in a New Administration. Simply, it is a laundry list of what the abortion industry expects in payback from Obama during the 1st 100 days he is in office.
The list of those presenting this included the usual suspects, Planned Parenthood, NARAL ProChoice America, National Orginization for Women, Guttmacher Institute, Catholics for Choice & the Sierra Club (apparently human life is the only thing they don't care about preserving) among the many others.
Among the things that they expect in payback from Obama:
Taking the lead in pushing the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) through Congress. & signing it after it is passed. It gives specific language for the executive orders they expect him to sign. It calls for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, a litmus test for judges to support abortion (remember, these same groups opposed a pro-life litmus test), more funding directed to family planning programs (read lining PP's pockets even more), ending abstinance only programs, restore funding to the UNFPA which cupports China's 1 child policy, end the Mexico City Policy & end all limits on taxpayer abortions, among other things. (
Pro-Abortion Groups Issue 55-Page Marching Orders for Barack Obama Admin) Basically, the document supports an out & out attack on morality in every shape & form by requiring every child to be taught that anything goes when it comes to sex (except what is morally right of course).
This document is the roadmap to Hell. A very detailed 1 at that.
The 1 good thing about this being posted is that it gives the Pro-Life movement the info it needs to plan its own strategy to keep this country from going headlong down the road to destruction that the "culture of death" wants it to.
Ironicly, this document was never ment to be put out there for public comment by those behind it. They knew if it did that the truth would be out there that Obama IS taking marching orders from the abortion industry. Unfortunately their desire for secrecy & Obama's promoting a transparent administration clashed in this case.
Emily Douglas a pro-abortion activist: "What advocates were less eager to share with the public is the detailed roadmap included in the document for the changes in policy needed to improve reproductive health for women both here and abroad. Several advocates cited concerns that the administration would be criticized as doing the bidding of reproductive health community if it made use of the specific legal reasoning outlined in the document."
Why the fear of criticism for him doing their bidding? If what they are doing is so good & right then why do they want to hide it in the darkness where deeds of evil hang out?
The reality is that the "culture of death" knows that America doesn't support their radical agenda. & that there will be a backlash that they don't want until their agenda is a fait acompli. There are many people out there who, sadly, voted for Obama on the issue of the economy only & many of those sincerely didn't realize how radical Obama is on the abortion issue thatnks to his cheering section that was the Main Stream Media.
For us in the Pro-Life movement, our work is cut out for us. But there are no surprizes in what was said in the document. & we are now better armed to do battle.
I do have 1 question about the document. Why is there 1 small section on supporting healthy pregnancies in the middle of a document ment to promote ending those pregnancies? Could it be that they want to provide a cover for the rest of the document by using this paragraph?
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